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Road, Way, Path
طريق |
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كنت أمزح معك ههه، لا يهمني من أي طريق نأخذ
Kunt amza7 ma3ak hehe, laa yahemmuny men ay 6areeq na27'ud'
I was joking hehe, I don't care which way we take
إنه السودان بكل ألوانه يمشي بخطوات الحزن على طريق القدر المحتوم نحو النهايات الحزينه يعلو هاماتهم جثمان الراحل محمد وردي
Innahu assoodaan bikulli alwaanih yamshi bi7’u6waat al7uzn 3alaa 6areeq alqadar alma7toom na7wa annihaayaat al7azeenah ya3loo haamaatihim juthmaan arra7il mo7ammad wardi
It is Sudan in all its colours walking with sad steps on the path of firm fate towards the sad endings, carrying on their shoulders the body of Mohammed Wardi