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Disaster, Calamity
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Disaster, Calamity

Example Sentences

إذا أصاب الرجل في قوله وحديثه يقال عنه أنه "مصيب"، أما إذا أصابت المرأة في قولها فيقال أنها "مصيبة"
If a man hit the target with his words, he is called (mu9eeb), however if a woman did that then she is called (mu9eebah), but that word also means disaster!
إشتريت لزوجتي فستان من النت، لكن كان مصيبة
Ishtareet lizawjati fustaan min annet, laakin kaan mu9eebah
I bought a dress for my wife from the net, but it was a disaster