I've combined some examples from the lesson into a short conversation
هناك كتاب على الطاولة, يا بابا. من اين الكتاب؟
انا ذهبت الى سوق البارحة. اشتريت هذا الكتاب على السوق. الكتاب لك
!اقرا لي قصة من الكتاب, يا بابا
-Daddy, there's a book on the table. Where's the book from?
-I went to the market yesterday. I bought this book at the market. The book's for you.
-Read me a story from the book, Daddy!
Lower Intermediate - Prepositions
November 25th, 2008 | 1 comment |
Learn some commonly used prepositions in this lower intermediate podcast. There isn't any more to it, if you'd like to fill your brain up with Arabic prepositions then tune in for some all important grammar made simple.
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Best regards, Omar