Hay David
Let me clarify further... We used the adjective and the noun forms of boring in the lesson. As in English the word comes in different forms e.g. bore is a noun (You’re such a bore). Boring is an adjective (A boring time)
We used the following words:
مَلَل – Malal – This is the noun form of boring
مُمِل - Mumel – This is the adjective form of boring
In the dialogue malal was used to describe the lecture. Because it was said like 9araa7ah, malal! صراحة، ملل! We used the noun form as the word came on its own if you like, we could have used the adjective form if we added was e.g.
صراحة كانت مملة – 9araa7ah kaanat mumellah : Notice mumel takes the feminine form because it’s describing the lecture (Mu7aa9’arah) which is also feminine
.هذا الدرس ممتع. متشكر
This lesson is interesting. Thank you!
Lower Intermediate - Boring lecture
December 23rd, 2008 | 1 comment |
Some lectures are interesting and informative as they should be, but you do get the occasional boring one which might leave you fighting to stay awake! Our guys in the dialogue discuss such a lecture. Expect lots of useful educational vocabulary.
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