Lovely job, guys. I've only been listening for a couple of months, but I find your pod extremely helpful. I'm an artist and I'm hoping to go paint in Iraq, when things have settled down a bit (may be a long wait, but then I have plenty of time to learn, right?) I've done a bit on the American side of the story (see www.sallylincoln.com)
Meanwhile, it's lots of fun.
I especially like the way you take the trouble to think of common situations and the expressions that might really be used, or be useful, but am also impressed with the very clear pronunciation, no mean feat in a podcast!
The word "sahiieh" (9a7ee7) crops up again in this lesson. In "Still not working" it occurred in end position and assumed a function akin to that of an English tag question. In "Long time no see", however, it appears in sentence-initial position and corresponds to the adjective "right". The translation proposed in the PDF file is perfectly correct.
Great lesson, I'm really enjoying all the sayings. Doesn't dunya mean 'world' though or that a different spelling?
Minna -
Yes minnacc, sometimes you could use (dunyaa) as (world), for instance (addunyaa fee 7'a6ar الدنيا في خطر) which is (the world is in danger).
هذا هو درس جميل... ياااه كم اشتاق لأيام طفولتي
This is a beautiful lesson...oh, how I miss the days of my childhood! -
ولكن الآن الدنيا في خطر
But these days, the world is in danger.
Lower Intermediate - Long time no see
January 6th, 2009 | 1 comment |
Ah, the good old days... you don't realise just how good they were until they're gone and become just a mere memory. In this podcast someone bumps into an old friend. Listen in and learn some worthwhile words, in Arabic, that you can use to meet and greet!
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Keep up the good and varied podcasts, I have been listening for 7 months now and stiil get a lot of benefit from them.