Hay plop,
The plural form of لون is ألوان pronounced Alwaan -
salam........ i wanna send a lot of thanks for the lessons in this site. alhamdulellah it is really practical instead of easy to be understood. so ver useful. i really enjoy learning arabic from this site. thank u so much :-)
أنت لن تتغيّر أبدًا
this means like you will never change yourself or your will never change your favorite color? تتغيّر means changing something or becoming different? -
I see why you are confused.. تتغيّر is (you are changing yourself), so (أنت لن تتغير أبداً) is (you will never change).
However تُغيّر is (you change something), so if we say (أنت لن تُغيّر هذا أبداً) then this means (you will never change this at all).
Hope I managed to spot what you are after and it is clear now. -
Assalaam :alaykom yaa Ehab wa Mohammed...
I would like to continue the discussion about forms of 3'-y-r. I'm more comfortable writing 3' as gh...please tell me if this would be accurate
Form 1- ghayar- something changes (by itself)- the season changed
Form 2- ghayyar- someone actively changes something else- ghayyartu al qanah- I changed the channel
Form 5- taghayyar- change oneself...lan tataghayyar(a) abadan- you will never change (yourself)
Is there any other verb with a similar rule for reflexive actions- and is it a characteristic of Form V (takallam meant to speak and I don't think that had any reflexive aspect to it)
By the way if j-m-l is a root for beauty (jameel, jamaal, ajmal, jameelah, etc) then why does jiml mean a camel? Does that imply that Arabs in the ancient days associated beauty with camels? ;) -
My favourite colour is blue, because it's the colour of the morning
لوني المفضل هو اللون الأزرق لأنه لون الصباح
Lower Intermediate - Favourite colour
February 20th, 2009 | 1 comment |
Often colours reflect personality. One might like a colour because it's the colour of love or the colour of beauty, but you do get the occasional nitwit who likes a colour for the wrong reason! The people in the dialogue today discuss the reasons behind their favourite colours, and one of them isn't impressed by the other person's reason. Listen to this colourful dialogue and hear us break it down for you.
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thanks again for your efforts i 'm progressing a lot