congrats with lesson nr 200!
مبروك! الدرس 200
Do you use اريد when you speak? I was taught اريد و اريد ان when I first learned Arabic. Now I use بدي when speaking (مثل: شو بدك؟).
Scariest movie for me was the original "Blob". -
Thanks, great lesson, they seem to be getting better and better. Keep them coming!
'Min 3uyuni' very interesting saying, I love this language a phrase for everything.
I find supernatural horror films the scariest, things like 'The Exorcist' and I definitely can't watch these films when I'm home alone :-s -
Hi Azeem. I've heard people saying ابغا for 'I want' (sorry don't know how to spell it!). Is بدي used in a specific country/Area?
السلام عليكم يا ليلة
I know its used in Syrian / Lebanese Arabic. I didn't know if it was commonly used in other countries too. The Egyptians, Tunisians, and others I've spoken to don't seem to have a problem understanding it. -
yeah they'll understand it but as a courtesy it's nice to learn some of the local variations.
Here's a few I know
Yemeni (m & f) أستي (this is a verb)
Egyptian (m) عاوز (f) عاوزة (these are nouns)
I think it's also pretty common to use "like" for "want"
eg. بتحب تشرب شيء؟
I've never heard ابغا before, if I had to guess I'd say it's from Morocco. Anyone know? -
In Morocco they use something similar, I think they say بغت for I want, something like that anyway.
ابغى is used in Saudi Arabia (and perhaps in the gulf too). -
I thought they used عايز for I want in Egyptian.
Or do they use both عايز andعاوز? -
I think they use both Leila
In Libya they say
نِبِّي, first person masculine
I want you to go with me.
نِبِّيك تمشي معاي.
تصريفات الفعل في اللهجة الليبية
نِبِّي, first person, masculine
يِبِّي, third person, masculine
تِبِّي, third person, feminine
In Egypt they say
عاوز, first person, masculine
عاوزه, first person, feminine
عاوزين, to talk about a group of males or females
عاوزين ناكل الغدا
We want to have lunch.
أبغى is used in Gulf dialects, it's first person, masculine and I think it's used as feminine.
يبغى, third person, masculine
تبغى, third person, feminine -
I know it's childish but I had to smile at بالعكس expressing a contradictory view as it reminds me of a similar sounding English expression for nonsense. :D
@Psibear - and what might that be? :)
Aliyah, I think he's referring to the British slang word "bullocks". ;-)
I guess it's a good mnemonic, if it works for you. -
Ah. I see!
Lower Intermediate - Scary movie
July 30th, 2009 | 1 comment |
Do you sit on the edge of your seat with a blanket over your eyes scared to see what's going to happen next or do you find horror films unrealistic and laughable? In this lower intermediate lesson someone's terrified and can't bear to watch any longer. Join us for another practical lesson filled with many useful movie related words.
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Thanks anyways, guys. This lessons are really helping me to keep in touch with arabic on Holidays :)