TheEar saysSat 27th Feb 10@03:41 amIm like some kind of comment leaving ninja. . . .bwahahaha 1st yet again, great lesson as usual
This is a new way of saying "come" for me. What is the difference between saying "هل ستأتي" and "هل ستجيء"?
Thanks for your help :) -
Also what's the difference between حاول and جرب?
Dear Hexagonmoon,
The verb “try” has several meanings. Among other things, it can mean “to examine judicially” (e.g. try a case), “to make an effort to do sth” (e.g. try to open a window) and “to use, do or test sth in order to find out whether it is good, suitable, etc.” (e.g. try dark chocolate). In “Tastiest dish” ﺠﺮﺐ is the correct word because someone is being invited to sample a dish. In “It depends” the correct word is ﺤﺎﻮﻞ because someone is being asked to make an effort. Semantic differences correspond to syntactic differences. When “try” means “sample” it is followed by a direct object (e.g. chocolate, fish, juice), but when it means “make an effort” it is followed by “to” and an infinitive (e.g. try to open, try to repair). -
oh..quite interesting!..the word "try" could mean a lot of things..very good lesson..many useful vocabulary and phrases.WELL DONE GUYS.im so proud of you both!!he he.من حبايب الى حبايب
Hi there
Well relating to ur question during my short studies, for me this verbs are very close to each other .
I can give some examples to show how to use them
(mostly in colloquial sentences:).Of course any correction is welcome cos I am still beginner
7aawala=to try ,to attempt
*حاول يقنعني-He tried to convice me
7aawla yeqna3ne
ماتحاول تنكر*-Dont try to deny!!
maa t7aawel tenker
2)جرب=to try,to test
*خلبني جرب=let me try!
khallene jarreb!
*جاية على بالي جربها=i would like to test\try it
jaaya 3ala baale jarrebha
ِas always guys perfect lesson
Thanx a lot:)
مع السلامة
Hello friends, thanks for your contribution
I am curious to know whether I can use to try (hauala) in case of to test or better agiarrabu.
I would also know how to use the passive form of "hauala " ex: it's been tried or tested .
ps: thanks teachers, my arabic is boosting thanks to you, my business travel in the arabic countries are becoming an amusement!! -
Hi there,
Everything depends on the context .
I will try to give 2 diffrent examples, which should help in understanding
first try,to attempt حاول
حاول الذهاب مشياً الى البلدة المجاورة و لكنها كانت بعيدة جداً
He tried to walk to the next town(small town) ,but it was too far
second جرب try,test,make an experiment
جربه قبل ان تقرر ما اذا كان صعباً
Test it\Try it before you decide whether it is difficult
I hear usually word for "tested"/"tried" like"متجرب "motajjarab"
Hope it will help
friendly, helpfully comunity thanks
سأحاول ان أدرس العربية اليوم, لكن يعتمد ذلك على وقت انتهاء عملي
I will try to study Arabic today, but it depends on the time I finish my work
Lower Intermediate - It depends
February 26th, 2010 | 1 comment |
Although this lower intermediate lesson is short, it's filled with useful vocabulary. This is the type of lesson beginners can have a go at. The lady in the dialogue really wants her friend to attend her party, but unfortunately the guy might not be able to make it. If you want to know why then tune in!
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