Dear Mohamed or Ehab, What term do you use to ask whether the item you are buying is genuine or not? Is it 9a7y7. Shukran.
If you mean, is the product original, then you could use أصلي (A9ly) which means Original.
A9ly for originals, but if you wanted to describe non-originals or fake/copied products you can use تقليدي (Taqleedy)
These two words are quite important and are widely used
salam.. i have also heard the word MAL used for money or wealth! can you tell me when this word is used plz
salam -
Maal is the general classical word for money, you can used it instead of foloos if the conversation is classical.
I'm curious about "qabelt" at the end of the lesson. Is this the first-person past-tense version of the verb "to accept"? If so, why is it in the past tense in this context? If not, what part of speech is it?
Thank you for all of the effort you put into this website. It is a great tool learning Arabic!
Best regards,
it's really good to listen without guest,,,,hehheeh just an opinion
قبلت is literally "I accepted". They also say فهمت, نسيت - just accept that's the way it is unless someone else has a better explanation. Personally I think it makes more sense to say in the past tense because you accepted in your mind before the words came out!
Yes Omar, (qabelt) is the first-person past-tense version of the verb "to accept".. It is past tense because you've been told something and you accepted it, so we say in Arabic (I accepted), unlike English when we say (I accept).
is it possible to say " بكم هذه " instead of "بكم هذا "when you buy more than 2 things?
and how about " كم المطلوب "? is this can be said when you ask the total price of the things you want to buy? -
@OnePath, Yes you can use هذه for plural objects e.g.
بكم هذه الكتب
How much are these books
You can't use هذا in this instance...
and yes you can say كم المطلوب - How much is required?
المطلوب - Alma6loob - The required
Lower Intermediate - Bargaining
October 9th, 2007 | 1 comment |
Hello all! This week we've got a lower intermediate lesson especially for you listeners with a head for a bargain! Wherever you are in the world you're sure to find crafty salesmen and over priced goods and that certainly is no less true in Middle-Eastern countries. Learn those all important words needed when buying and more importantly learn how to haggle with salesmen and get the price you want (or at least closer to the price you want!!). Expect to hear some bargaining tips from the hosts' own experiences too. Tune in for all this and more!
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nice lesson! how often it is i have experienced this lol