Jazakum Allah Khair Ustaad Mohammed and Saleh:
The HW at the end of the I pod is an excellent idea and will help us recollect what we learnt so far or do some search on our own. Please provide us with the corrrect answers. Here is my attempt at the HW:
1. Are you going to buy the new i phone?
2. you intend (to buy) 4 iphone?
3. Yes, I intend (to buy) 4 iphones.
4. Why dont you take what I buy?
5. Why?
6. so that/because, it has not descended (available) until later in Britain. -
As always, fun and cheerful podcast, guys.Keep it up! I think this is what,is being said:
Mohamed: Are you buying the new IPhone?
Ehab : You mean IPhone 4?
Mohamed: Yes, I mean IPhone 4.
Ehab : I don't think I will be buying it.
Mohamed: Why?
Ehab : No. It is that, it isn't
(descended) available yet in Britain. -
Hi guys great job as always.
Just wanna ask you about verb "to charge"(battery)
will be "َشَحَن"=sha7ana
Word "شاحِن" for sure is very usefull
Keep going guys
See ya soon -
Hello Mohamed and Ehab, great new challenge, wow!!! So here is my HW:
Will you buy the new IPhone?
You mean the IPhone 4?
Yes, that's the one I mean.
I don't think I will buy it.
Because it is not available in Britain yet.
(Last sentence is a bit guess work, as my dictionary provides some other vocab for "available"). I hope you will give us some quick breakdown of these sentences at a later time!!
Now I will check the previous comments to see if we all came up with the same result ;-)
BTW: During my several stays in Dubai I noticed that it is quite common there that people load their mobiles in the restaurants. It seems that the restaurants are all fully equipped with all kinds of chargers!!!
Yours truly :) -
Well done AP fans! All of you got it more or less correctly. Here is the translation to the challenge
A. Will you buy the new iPhone?
B. You mean iPhone 4?
A. Yes, I mean iPhone 4.
b. I don’t think I will buy it.
A. Why?
B. Because it hasn’t come out yet in Britain.
Czarek2581, شَحَنَ = Sha7ana is the root of the verb which means charged. This root can be conjugated to other forms of verbs, for example the present tense singular first person way of saying it is أشحن = Ash7an = I charge
Na7la, interesting thing about charging phones in Dubai restaurants, not a bad idea actually as some might have nipped into the restaurant and bought something just because he/she needed the phone charging. -
very good idea this challenge at the end (maybe in 2 speeds :one normal and one a bit slower ) - it kind of tests are "digestion" of the lesson - keep doing this please - question : is the شاحن جوال not an idhafa ? and hence should carry the ال in the second part ?
It is i9'aafah, Plop. Adding (Al ال) is not a condition for the i9'aafah to be complete, you can say - in classical Arabic (shaa7enu jawwaalen شاحنُ جوّالٍ), where the tanween completes the meaning. Also you can say (shaa7enu aljawwaal شاحن الجوّال) which you mentioned and it is correct.
It is good to highlight the difference in meaning:
شاحنُ جوّالٍ A mobile phone charger. (general)
شاحنُ الجوّال The mobile phone charger. (specific).
Hope that helps -
a lot - thanks for the prompt reply -salaam
Salaam there at ArabicPod,
Lesson 299, Mobile charger:
Is my Arabic transliteration of the homework challenge correct?
أ. هل ستشتري ألإي فون ألجديد ؟
ب. قصدك إي فون أربع ؟
أ. نعم ، قصدي أي فين أربع .
ب. ما أعتقد رح أشتري .
أ. لماذا ؟
ب. لأنّه لم ينزل بعد في بريطانيا .
Going through all lower intermediate lessons one after the other, I came to this lesson yesterday only.
Thank you for this great lesson! Regards,
Dear Ehab and Mohammed
The second line of the script says المدخل القديم. but in English the translation is "but it is the adaptor." Shouldn't it say "it's an old adaptor?" -
@shebab, yes it should be old adaptor. Well done :coolsmile:
Lower Intermediate - Mobile charger
July 13th, 2010 | 1 comment |
Some things only last for a day or two, batteries for example, but what happens when the battery on your mobile phone has run out and you need to make a call? Of course, you can rely on good old Arabic hospitality to help you. Tune in to find out more.
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Well, here goes:
Are you going to buy the new iPhone?
The iPhone 4 you intend to buy? (or something along those lines; I believe the word you used was قصد, which appears to mean "intention", "purpose" + the suffix for "you", ).
Yes, the iPhone 4 I intend to get.
No, I don't think I will, because it isn't available in Britain yet.
You ought to get Apple to sponsor you ;-)