Thanks for the suggestions, CHAZYOUWIN! I'm sure Mohamed and Ehab will appreciate them as well.
Reminder to all making suggestions: We often work considerably in advance at ArabicPod, so it might be a while before you hear any changes to podcasts, especially where Elias and I are concerned. But we are listening and adapting as we go. -
can Shabban be used instead of full stomach ?
Sierra, also, thanks for the very detailed written materials you have been providing. The thorough definitions and extended vocabulary are much noted and greatly appreciated.
@berry yes شبعان Shab3aan means 'full up' and sometimes it's used to describe someone who's rich and not in need of anything.
e.g. If you see someone rich and someone says 'huwa shab3aan' it can imply the man has everything he needs -
@arabicLover, thanks.
Lower Intermediate - The best cook
October 22nd, 2010 | 1 comment |
When it comes to food most of us will probably agree that mum's food is the best. However, there will be times when you'll need to explain why you think 'So and So' is the best cook. Sierra & Elias teach you some very useful vocabulary around this subject.
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Also, as a request for more lower intermediate lessons -- you could use the already published many intermediate and upper intermediate lessons as a natural springboard for lower intermediate. Say, take a few key phrases from Joha Goes To War or "Palm Trees," and provide more detailed analysis and vocabulary meaning. You could characterize them as supplementary or independent, whatever fits.