plop saysWed 3rd Nov 10@06:57 amgreat lesson - you might give us the names of all the months(in arabic) - interesting for a non muslim living with muslims - cheers
thanks so much for your lessons guys. i'm frankly addicted to them! :) i would love to participate in your lessons (beginners or lower intermediate) as a guest, but i live in the US. Would it be possible to join you for a class over skype or something like that?
Just thought I would say my best friend in Saudi is called بدر .
I like the name بدر, it’s easy and short both in Arabic and English (Bader).
Aanandk, it’s a little difficult to arrange a guest over skype for a number of reasons. Just buy a ticket to London and join us :-)
Plop, good question. Here are the months in Arabic
1. محرم – Mu7arram
2. صفر – 9affar
3. ربيع الأول – Rabee3 alawal
4. ربيع الثاني – Rabee3 Ath-thaany
5. جمادى الأولى – Jamaada al2oola
6. جمادى الآخرة – Jamaada al2a7’era
7. رجب – Rajjab
8. شعبان – Sha3baan
9. رمضان – Rama9’aan
10. شوال – Shawwaal
11. ذو القعدة – D’oo alqe3dah
12. ذو الحجة – D’oo al7ejjah
Each of the months have a meaning and there are historical reasons for their names. A quick search in Google should give you the information for those who are interested -
thanks a lot - will do -
The names of the months are extremely interesting. I think they ought to be presented in a lower intermediate lesson. The meaning of each month (e.g. muharram = forbidden, taboo) could be explained both in Arabic and English.
woooowww, شكراااا لالدرس جميل جميل
Another little jewel :)
لا يو جد القمر هنا مساء اليوم
Does هلال also stand for "moon crescent" on its own, or does it always require قمر in front?
Is there arabic vocab for "evening star" and "sea of tranquility"? How is "Orion" called?
Lunar greetings
;-) -
@Desmond, that is a very good suggestion, as always :).
Na7la, (هلال) means (moon crescent) on its own. ِ As for the other question, I can tell what (Orion) means in Arabic, but the rest are really not known to me. However, I got some of well known constellations that are popular in Arabic:
Pegasus: الفرس الأعظم
Cassiopeia: ذات الكرسي
Ursa Major: الدب الأكبر
Ursa Minor: الدب الأصغر
Orion: الجبار
Hope you find these useful.
Dear Ehab,
I think I may be able to help you here. “Evening star” is just another name for Venus, and Venus is ﺍﻠﺰﻫﺮﺓ. The Sea of Tranquillity is bahr (ﺒﺤﺮ) al-huduu’ (ﺍﻠﻬﺪﻮﺀ). That’s where Apollo 11 landed. Is that what you were looking for?
I've just thought of another question. Does muharram correspond exactly to January, or are there cases where the last day of muharram might correspond to the first day of February?
Thanks Ehab and Desmond, that is the vocab I was looking for! Nice extra ones Ehab ;-)
Lower Intermediate - Moon cycle
November 2nd, 2010 | 1 comment |
How often do you look up at the moon? The moon is often gazed upon in the Arabian culture not just because of its beauty, but based on the moon's shape one can tell roughly which day of the month it is. Tune in to learn some of the moon's shape names and more.
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