Thanks Desmond, that is very useful.
@ Ehab
The same word combination can be found in R. L. Stevenson's "Treasure Island". A man called Arrow is described as "a brown old sailor, with earrings in his ears and a squint". You'll notice that the word "earring" can be spelt with or without a hyphen. -
After listening to the lesson, I would like to say that in America, we actually DO say "In his ear" or "In her ear" - because to say "on his ear" or "on her ear" doesn't make sense to us, and we never say that in the case of earrings.
Interesting Aliyah, thanks for letting us know.
@teachers,,,,,,is there an islamic position on criticising after a person has died ?
in english we have stuff like "do not speak ill of the dead, and friends romans and countrymen etc....." -
We have a well known statement that one could say: (لا تجوز على الميت إلا الرحمة) which is (nothing is allowed -to be said- on a dead person expect of mercy).
Hope that is what you are after. -
thank you , that is what I was looking for.
Am getting the same database error (a SQL error) when trying to access any post commentary for any of the lessons.
@ chazyyyouwin
Is it error number 1064? I have the same problem. -
Guys, has this been happening since we first introduced the ‘Post Lesson Commentaries’? We tested your accounts, and it seems to be working from this end. It would be great if you could send an email to contact@arabicpod.net with a screenshot of the error to help us fix it.
Are you using google Chrome guys? If not what browser are you using?
Same error message for me (Google Chrome), but I can download the post lesson commentaries and then listen to them using I Tunes.
I use Firefox as my standard browser. I've never used iTunes.
Do not recall how to do a print screen, but below is the error message. Am using Firefox and like Karen, I was able to download and listen to them using ITunes.
A Database Error Occurred
Error Number: 1064
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1
SELECT * FROM lesson_additionals WHERE ID=
I just logged in using Internet Explorer, and the PLC appeared to work as intended. No error message.
This should be fixed now :-)
Does work under Firefox now. Very nice PLC.
@chazy, somewhere near your f12 button should be a "prt scr" button. You press that button once time and then open up Paint. Once paint is open, hit Ctrl+V at the same time and it will post the screenshot. You can then save it as you like.
never had a problem - in shaa'allaah
lads - I am puzzled with the imperatief "yaqfii"
is this realy a imper.? -
@ plop
“Yakfy” (ﻴﻜﻓﻲ) isn’t an imperative. It’s a present tense form (3rd person singular) of the verb “kafaa” (ﻜﻓﻰ), which means “to be enough”. The subjects of “yakfy” (ﻴﻜﻓﻲ) have been moved into end position. This is a typical “jumla fi’liyya”. -
A cautionary note! Unfortunately, even in these modern times, in some Arab countries, especially Egypt, men are often automatically assumed to be gay if they have an earring (in either or both ears), even though they may be there with girlfriends or wives, and can become subject to rather inappropriate/offensive approaches or comments.
Lower Intermediate - Criticising people
May 6th, 2011 | 1 comment |
Before you start criticising and commenting on people, make sure you look in the mirror first and ponder upon yourself, Mr. perfect!! In today's dialogue, we have such a guy but he hears good advice, to stop, from his companion.
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In the first line of the text the preposition "fy" can be rendered literally as "in". Cf. the following example from George Eliot's "Silas Marner": (...) the parson had wanted to know whether the pedlar wore ear-rings in his ears (...).