iman wrote:
as-salaamu 3laykum,
I tried to register to the forum but i was sent an email requesting my guardian to sign. I am of legal age. 3umree thalathun wa araba3oon sannah [43](ahadha sa7i7?)
I tried to reply the email but it just bounced back.
I hope you this could be sorted out. Jzakumullahu khayran. -
wa 3laikum alsalam,
Try registering on the forum again but this time choose "I Agree to these terms and am over or exactly 13 years of age" on the first page after you click register.
hope this helps
iman wrote:
Na3m I made it, al7amdulillah! Barakallahu feeka yaa akhy, wa jzakallahu khayran! -
يمكن لي أن أسأل ما هو عمرك؟
يجب عليك ألا تسأل مثل هذه الأسئلة لسيدة
تعال ونحن أصدقاء المقربين
طيب عمري ثلاثون سنة
تبدو أنك أصغر من عمرك
زوجي يقول نفس بالضبط
عبد الحميد خان
من مومباي -
Nice one Abdul Hamid Khan :)
adrian wrote:
once again! shukran!! habibi! i have download all of the lessons onto my mp3 and can't wait for the next one! thanks again!! -
jessie wrote:
as-salaamu 3laykum,
i don't know if this is the right place for this..but what is the arabic word for "shut up"????
..and what do your names mean?? they sound so awesome...Ehab Saleh and Mohamed Moshaya...?
i just started listening..and the reason arabicpod lessons are so much more better than any others is beacuse u guys are so laid back and easy going and joke around..keep it up! -
Bob wrote:
I love the relaxed way in which the lessons are put out,it makes it very easy to learn.
I will be very interested in when the next downloads take place -
Thank you! I've been long awaiting this lesson! Very nicely presented too!
help! I have signed up on your new site, but cannot play any transcripts. they load but only play for 8 seconds. am I doing something wrong? thanks
Hi Elaine,
We have just tested the transcript links and they work. look at the taskbar at the bottom and make sure it's not open behind the other windows hidden from your view. Hope this helps.
I am new to the arabicpod.net, and maybe that is the reason that I cannot load the PDF Transcript. Do I do something wrong?
Sincerely yours
Bratislav -
Hi Batko,
What happens when you click on PDF Transcript? -
How would you say my "My wife says the same thing" instead of opposite
Ahlan tqa81;
"Same thing" means "Nafs alshay2", where "Same" in this case means "Nafs" and "Thing" or "the thing" means "alShay2".
So the sentence would be: Zawjati taqool nafs alshay2.
زوجتي تقول نفس الشئ
Ta7eyyati -
Hi Ehab And Moshaya, lessons are very good, i´m having fun.
they are so useful to improve the way we speak arabic.
i speak arabic a little and i have learned a lot with you.
thank you so much -
I have taken arabic classes b4, bought books and dictionaries and none are as effective as the lessons presented by u guys. Excellent work and keep it up. Jazakallahu khayran.
this is an excellent course.
better than any i seen before.
lessons are short and well explained.
style is fun, entertaining and easy to understand.
after each lesson you have some new and useful phrases and feel you have made real progress.
may you get the best reward for your efforts.
hey! this is fun : ). more so than my mastering arabic course that's for sure. thanks!
Thanks once again for the lesson. Just a couple of questions. 54 years ,سنة is in the singular. are objects that are counted above 10 in the singular. Also if the object is feminine then is the number masculine and vice versa? Also for numbers between 10 to 20 which part of the number is masculine and feminine, for example 14 years. Thanks
The (ma3dood معدود) which is the noun that comes after the number is always singular as far as it is proceeded by a number more than 10. A sentence like 17 cows is (sab3a 3asharata baqarah سبع عشرة بقرة) in Arabic, here (baqarah بقرة) was singular. On the other hand, if we say 7 cows, then we say (sab3u baqaraat سبع بقرات) where (baqaraat بقرات) is plural. Notice that if the sentence is 107 cows, then what proceeds the (ma3dood معدود) is less than 10 so the (ma3dood معدود) is not singular, and the sentence becomes (me2ah wa sab3u baqaraat مئة و سبع بقرات).
Regarding to your second question, numbers less than 10 take opposite gender to the ma3dood, so if we are counting Cows again, then we say thalaathu baqaraat where baqaraat is feminine and thalaathu is masculine. Another example 36 book, in Arabic is settatun wa thalaathoon ketaab (sittatun is feminine and Ketaab is masculine).
Number 10 has two cases, one when it comes on its own, and the other when it is associated with another number. If number 10 comes on its own like (10 cars), then it follows the previous rule. However, if it comes with another number, as it is the case in numbers from 11-19, then number 10 follows the gender of the ma3dood , i.e. (sab3a 3ashrata daqeeqah) where 3ashrata and daqeeqah were feminine but sab3a was masculine.
To get more examples about numbers you could try our amazing application in the sharepoint if you have access to it. It is called Assaa3ah which reads every single minute of the time.
Hope that answers your enquiry. -
how will i say i am 25 years old
aana khamsa wa eshroon sanah?
i am very new with this language -
Just add Umri (my age), so your sentence becomes:
Anaa umri khamsa wa ushroon sanah.
It is nice to notice that we use numbers to replace those letters that do not exist in English, like letter (ع) and (خ). So you will notice in our transcripts that we use number 3 to replace (ع), and 7' to replace (خ). So the sentence would be:
Anaa 3umri 7'amsa wa 3ushroon sanah.
Bettawfeeq (good luck)
Ehab -
the 'ta'qool means she says, how to say 'you say/said' (referring to someone in front of you).
@amina000, the 'ta' at the beginning of present tense verbs indicates a you or a she. Examples:
She says/You say
She eats/You eat
She goes/You go
Beginner - How old are you?
December 25th, 2007 | 1 comment |
A vital lesson on asking someone's age and replying to such questions. Very important lesson for all, particularly for beginner learners who may not yet be familiar with the Arabic language needed in this situation. These types of questions crop up a lot, especially when meeting someone for the first time, so tune in to this podcast to make sure you're able to deal with them in the future.
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as-salaamu 3laykum,
Barakallahu feekumaa li hadha darsa. I am a struggling 3arabic learner, ya3nee self-studying. I saw a link to your site in one of the 3arabic learning forums, and al7amdulillah i find your site really very useful, ma sha Allah.
May Allah accept your efforts and reward you immensely, ameen. plz keep the lessons coming, bi idhilllah.