beautiful piece of poetry with important words to learn, shukran!
In the first sentence ould one use the word انت in stead of انك ?
it's wondefull you are very good teachers thank you very much Dar panohi Khudo boshed
How can i see lesson 1 to 30 ?
itekiefte you can use انت instead of انك. They're both correct :)
alfurgoon click on "Lessons" on the top menu and you can access all the previous lessons -
I am confused with regards to the pronouncation of "return" (aid?). It's very similar to "repeat" as in "aid min fadlik". Is there a difference or do they sound the same?
Ahlan Nuur;
The word (a3ed) is fe3l amr (ordering verb) of the verb (a3aad) which means someone is redoing or returning something , So if you are asking someone to repeat a word which is object, then you can use (A3ed) and if you are asking someone to return something (object again) then you still can say (A3ed), both have the same pronunciation.
If you need more explanation and details, then read below, but if you feel you are fine with the above details, then I would suggest you not to go in details of what I wrote below, it is a bit advanced.
Now if you are asking someone to return himself, then use (3od) which is a fe3l amr from the root (3aad) (not a3aad), the only difference in writing between these two verbs is the letter alef in the beginning, but the meaning is different, A3ad is to return or redo something (always needs object, we call this type of verbs fe3l mota3addy), while 3aad is to return yourself -if human- or itself -if non human- (verb does not need object is called fe3l lazem).
e.g.1: 3aad alwalad: the boy returned (notice himself returned)
e.g.2: a3aad alwalad allo3ba: the boy returned the toy (returned something)
e.g.3: 3aadat al6a2erato salemah: the airplane returned safe (returned itself)
e.g.4: a3aad al6ayyar al6a2erata salemah: the pilot returned the airplane safe. (he returned it)
- a3aad (root and past tense) > yo3eed (present tense) > a3ed (ordering)
- 3aad (root and past tense) > ya3ood (present tense) > 3od (ordering)
Anyway, if you still have more questions then please ask.
Ehab -
Assalamu aleikum,
Hamidkhan, thanks. Its beautiful. Does anyone know who the singers are, and where I can find the song in their voices?
Ma' salama
Shoaib -
Lovely poem, as was the Child and the sea.
I have no idea about this particular poem, whether its author is known, etc, but together with the music, it sounds as if it comes from way back then, something that was recited by the campfire of caravans, and still rings true and powerful today.
Thank you for introducing us to these treasures of Arabic culture. -
Could you provide any details on this particular version of the nasheed...have been trying to find it on youtube but couldn't get this version.
I loved this lesson. But it's not a dialogue. It's a song!
Lower Intermediate - Oh my son
January 2nd, 2008 | 1 comment |
Join us in this lesson, where we're discussing and explaining some lyrics to a song in which a man, in his old age, is addressing a young boy in a very dear manner, with such strong words. It's an old favourite of ours that we wanted to share. So listen in and send us your comments. . . Enjoy!
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ناداك الاسلام فاْقبل***يا بن الاسلام لتسمعه
يشكو من قسوة غربته***ويريدك ان تبقى معه
يا بن الاسلام2
يا سهما فى كبد الوثن***يا قلبا حن على البشر(ترديد)
يا ولدى انك لى امل***تعبت عيناى من السهر
قم خذ بيدى واْرح قلبى***واعد لى القوة فى كبرى(الاسلام)
اتراك فان هو ما وصل*** صوت الاسلام اى اذنى
كم يؤلم قلبى ما حصل*** لبيك فماذا تاْمرنى(ابن الاسلام)
هل تسمع قصة اْلامى***وجراحى عبر الايام(الاسلام)
اشتاق لاْعرف اْخبار ***الاسلام انا ابن الاسلام(ابن الاسلام)
يا بن الاسلام2
يا بن الاسلام لقد ءان***الا تنسى او تتوانى(ترديد)
انا خير الاديان جميع*** وسلوا ايات القرءان
فلماذا تحجب انوارى ***ولدى شفاء الانسان(الاسلام)
افديك بروحى وبمالى*** فلنصرك غاية امالى
طال المشوار عليك فلن*** تبقى فى اسر الاغلال(ابن الاسلام)
اخشى ان تنسى ياولدى*** فالمرء رهين النسيان(الاسلام)
نقشت كلماتك فى قلبى*** فاليوم انا بن الاسلام(بن الاسلام)
يا بن الاسلام2
يا بن الاسلام لقد ان ***الا تنسى او تتوانى(ترديد)
مازلت اْهيب باْبنائى***كى ابصر فى الغد ابنائى
قد نبذوا الفرقة واحدوا***ومضوا يسعون لعلياء(الاسلام)
ستراهم لا شك قريبا***يقظين لكيد الاعداء
لن تمكث فى الارض غريبا***وساْبعث فى الكون ندائى(بن الاسلام)
ما زلت اهيب باْبنائى*** وتسيل على الارض دمائى(الاسلام)
الجرح اضمده بيدى ***فاليوم انا بن الاسلام(بن الاسلام)
يا بن الاسلام2
قم واجهد انت على موعد***فالنصر يريدك ان تجهد
ارفع للمسلم رايته ***واصدح بالاسلام و ردد
لا دين سوى الدين الاوحد***دين الرحمن المتفرد
ملاْالدنيا بسماحته***فترى من دان به يسعد
اذا كنت يمكن أن تناقش وترجمته لمستوى متقدم من فضلك
عبد الحميد خان
من مومباي