Leila saysTue 22nd Jan 08@01:33 pmNice to hear a different dialect and accent being spoken, thanks for that
يا بنتي استيقظي من النوم
تجب ان تحضري المدرسة
تجب أن تذهبي إلى المدرسة
أتركيني يا أمي أنا لا أرغب أن أذهب إلى المدرسة
انهضي من فراشك أو سأصب الماء عليك
آه! كم أكره المدرسة
عبد الحميد خان من مومباي -
Guys than you veru much for your lessons!
1. It is fun to learn a language like that.
2. You provide modern conversational vocabulary and idioms.
3. It is interactive.
4. Videos are the killer that distingushes your site.
BTW I cant leave comments on your video. :grrr:
Thanks Sarasota for your comments and for letting us know that there was a bug with adding comments to the video podcasts. that has been fixed now. No wonder there weren't any comments on them :-P
nice keep up the good work brothers :coolhmm:
I thank u very for helping me to learn this interesting language which is the language of my religion.I appreciate your way of teaching because you teach us both standard and local arabic, so that we can anderstand every body.Before,I only learnt standard arabic and I couldn't anderstand everyboby but now I can a little.I have a question:mathabika is it the samething with ech fika anta
Thank u very much -
واشكركم شكراجزيرا،لمسعادتكم في السحول التعليم اللغة العربية بطريق الانترنيت.أرجوان تعلمن بعض اللحجات
Hi Jamil, Thanks for your comments. Mathabika does mean the same thing as ech fika anta. However, "ech fika enta" is not the correct way of saying it. Mathabika or Mad'abika is more correct.
Just to highlight the difference between letter ح(7) and ها (h),, you wrote اللحجات which is suppose to be اللهجات , I’ve notices so many people do this mistake. Be aware of it,, have you seen the APG in the sharepoint, it helps you to hear each letter clearly and differentiate them.
I find the lessons to be an excellent way of teaching.I look forward to using this site more and more.Thankyou.
HeLLoOo Every One. Nice Place To learn Arabic and Demonstrate urself how much Arabic People Influenced in you and than good way to produce such a culture where we can rejoice our thoughts and tongues among the people where we'r living. Specially youth who are visualizing on being Holy. Plaesure to be here !
I like the way you teach, but I don't understamd why you would put "ma" before "akub almayy 3alayky". Wouldn't it then mean: I not chuck water on you. So that the whole thing would read "Get up before I not chuck water on you." If so, please help me to understand why you would say it like this. Thanks :-S
Very good question .. First, (maa) here is not the (negation maa), it is a linking word came here because of (qabl). To put the rule clearly,(qabl : before) and (ba3d : after), both need a linking word after it if they are followed by a verb. You can't say (qabl akub almay), so you need a linking tool, and here it can be either (maa) or (an). So you can say (qabl maa akub almay) or (qabl an akub almay).
In Arabic, there are few words that need such linking tool after it if they are followed by verbs, like (ureed : I want), (asta6ee3:I can)...
Hope that is clear now. -
Thank-you, Ehab. I didn't think that I would get a reply that fast. Thank-you. Yes, I understand now. :)
Thanks for this great lesson guys. It was nice to hear different voices, doesn't mean we are bored of you, Ehab :)
I have a question, I could not get what Rowan said at about 1:57, after "qumi qabl maa ??? almay.." I cannot hear "akub", is she saying something different? -
Well spotted Cebrax, Rawan actually used the verb (armi) which means (to throw). It is close word to (akub) but (akub) is actually more of (to pour) a liquid while (armi) can be used with throwing anything.
Thank you for the quick answer, Ehab!
Hi, finally i found somebuddy i can ask about the language, mashalla. While searching the net, i gathered there are certain arabic dialects spoken. I don't know if you can still help me with that.
Im a private nurse in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. I want my patient to understand me as well as I to him. The thing is he does'nt know english which is a big problem for me. Im taking care of a parkinsons patient with dementia. Now he asks questions a lot and i dont know how to answer him the right way or which one to use. Funny, cuz i got a tranlslation for exercise through the net which is (tamrin) but when I told him to tamrin he said " ish tamrin?". Now when i asked a freind about it she said it's "riyada".. This is where the confusion starts. Quite a story i have there...lol
Im wondering if I'm still in the right tract what to learn. I need help!
And by the way great lessons you guys have. Very helpful! -
Welcome to ArabicPod Misty. Just make sure you make it a habit to listen to our lessons and try the exercises, and am sure you will find the difference soon.
A note on (tamreen) it is actually the correct word for (exercise), and people use it often in the street. However the word (riyaa9'ah - sport) is also used for the same context in the street but really (tamreen) is more appropriate when you mean (exercise), so you were correct and be confident about that ;) -
Thanks ehab! You've been very helpful! I guese i found the perfect place to learn the language. Keep up the good work guys!
Beginner - Wake up!
January 22nd, 2008 | 1 comment |
Anybody feeling sleepy? Well, wake up; it's time for another Arabic podcast! We have a beginner lesson for you and it's all about getting out of bed; everybody's favourite time of the morning! Whether that blasted alarm is deafening you with its raucous ring or (for the young among you) your mother is shouting down your ear. This lesson will teach you how to tell that mother of yours to leave you alone. But we warn you, watch out, she's definitely not one to mess with if she's anything like the mum in this dialogue!
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