When you're on your travels to an Arabic speaking part of the world and go for a meal out in a restaurant, make sure you don't get stuck for words. This podcast will teach you how to ask for a table for two, request an English menu and of course order your food. ArabicPod's teacher, Ehab, is missing from this lesson, be sure to tune in and see what havoc Mohamed and the two guest hosts are causing with no teacher to keep them in line!
عبدالحميد إذا أتيت إلى بريطانيا, يجب ان تشتغل معنا ;-)
عزيزي مشيع
تـشـرفني بهذه الدعوة
ولكن ليس يمكنني أن أسافر الى بريطانيافي المستقبل القريب
ومع ذلك ، كما وعندما سأحصل على فرصةسأزوركم بالتأكيد إنشاء الله
مع خالص الشكر والتقدير
عبد الحميد خان من مومباي
very good exercise
it keeps yr motivational level high -
انا افتقدك
Ehab (Sorry don't know the word for Ehab)
عمل جيد محمد
شكرا جزيلا -
رجأ Hope I hit the correct keys. If not, the word is raj2an. In fact, at least according to my limited studies of this beautiful, but challenging language,it's two words meaning return to. In this lesson however, it was given as 'please.'
However, I've been wrong before.For a long time I thought the english word 'run and it's cousin ran' suggested flying feet or, perhaps, a prop in motion. 900 or more connotations later it became clear that I was being given the 'run around'. Didn't get that, let me run it by you one more time.
Great lessons. Keep up the good work.
MC -
Hi MC,
I think you got Rajaa2an confused with Raja3a:
رجاءً - Rajaa2an - Please
رجع - Raja3a - He Returned -
ArabicLover is right. ﺮﺠﺎﺀٴ is derived from a noun which means “request”, “trust” or “hope”. According to arabictripod.com, ﺮﺠﺎﺀٴ expresses a greater sense of urgency than the other expressions used in polite requests, but that does not appear to be the case in the dialogue presented in “English menu”.
It’s also interesting to note that the words for “please” and “he returned” are not pronounced the same way. The verb ﺮﺠﻊ is stressed on the first syllable. Have you ever heard it pronounced any other way, ArabicLover? -
Thanks for the help. I've been wrong before,but if one does not ask, one gets the wrong shoe on the wrong foot every day...been there, done that, and it requires sound advice to get it right. Thanks again.
MC -
I’ve just checked the pronunciation of the verb ﺮﺠﻊ. The stress is definitely on the first syllable. The recording I listened to was made in Saudi Arabia.
If you go back to the podcast about global warming you’ll find another verb for “return”. The past tense (3rd person sg, m.) is ﻋﺎﺪ. It is pronounced “'aada”. -
Hi guys,
what is the difference in the usage contexts for expressing "do you have" with هل لديكم versus هل عندكم ?
shukran jiddan lakum.
لكم نفر؟
الرجاء احجز طاولة لنفرين
يرجي تقديم قائمة الطعام في اللغة الإنجليزية
طبعا ، ها هي
طبق واحد من لحم شاورم ورقاقات بطاطس مقلية
وكوبين من عصير البرتقال ايضا
أي شئ آخر؟
لا، شكرا