@fieldstarrealty, sorry for the late reply. Indeed this phrase can be used with very close family friends. One trick I can teach you is to not actually get up first, wait until someone else gets up from the table and hear what they say :-)
Request for assistance:
1 + 2 ?? -
@ dubb
Click on "Lessons", place the cursor in the box beneath "Search our podcasts", key in "Cultural idiomatic expressions", click on "Search", and go to page 2. -
سلام عليكم.
In the title picture, written on it is ثقافة و عادات 3 ،
ثقافة means culture,
and does the word عادات mean expressions .? -
@RajulunSaaleh, وعليكم السلام
عادات is the plural of عادة and it means
Sometimes you hear people say
صارت عادة
9aarat 3aadah
It became a habit (it refers to something feminine here, if it's masculine then you say صار instead) -
Aaa, Okay.
عادة = customs/practices .
Shukran. -
عادة is the singular form, so
عادة = custom/practice
عادات = customs/practices
Beginner - Cultural idiomatic expressions 3
December 14th, 2011 | 1 comment |
This popular topic has become a trilogy of podcasts! We try to teach you those common cultural expressions that you will learn nowhere else. Today you will learn what to say when you get a visitor, when you greet a father or a mother who has a newborn child, and when you are invited to a meal.
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Regarding أخلف لله عليكم can I say it even to very close family friends for instance if I am invited for a meal to my father's friends house in an Arab country can I say this after the meal? Will it be appropriate?