أشار اهأب الى ان قرأ هذه الكلمات في كتاب و اريد ان اسأل عنه من هو الكاتب و هل الكاتب يصف وضعا مميزا في العالم العربي او حتى في العالم كله؟
I think am really getting old now because am struggling to remember which book it was!! I think it is called (Enjoy your life إستمتع بحياتك) but really not sure if it is the book.
Very nice. Thanks.
Intermediate - The poor and the wealthy
February 17th, 2012 | 1 comment |
People with money are generally more respected than those without. Today we go through a piece of poetry talking about how different poor people get treated to the rich.
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I love the difference between ذنب and ذنب - another pitfall to try and avoid