Desmond saysWed 22nd Feb 12@07:32 amA distinction should be drawn between "tishriin al-'awwal" (October) and "tishriin a(l)-thaany" (November).
i cannot differentiate satata sataati and sa aati
@abdia, lol what is satata? I also like how you liked your own comment :-) Ok hopefully the following will explain things more
Briefly, the root of the word is أتى, from this root we can derive the present tense verb by adding letters and creating certain patterns. if you add the prefix أ to the beginning, this means "I" i.e. the verb is a present tense first person masculine or feminine so
Is "I come", notice the first letter is آ which is basically like having two أ since there was an alif already in the root, and we added a new one to it which doubled it.
Add ت instead of أ to the beginning, it would be "she" who is doing the action i.e
She comes
Now prefix the letter س to the present tense verb to make it future tense.
she will come
I will come
Beginner - When are you coming?
February 21st, 2012 | 1 comment |
Now that you have made friends abroad, you want to invite them to visit you back home. Today we will teach you how to ask a person when he, or she, will visit your hometown. You will also hear an example response that is usually associated with such a question.
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