One question, it's about the words mentioned in the PLC. If a carpenter is نشار then what is a publisher? Thanks!
@Carlibya , carpenter it is actually (نجار) and not (نشار). In Arabic, (publisher) is (naashir ناشر), so you would find it on the first few pages of any book (الناشر - the publisher).
Ah great, thanks a lot :). I obviously commented to quick and didn't listen carefully, because when listening the PLC for a second time, i realized that you actually mentioned that نجار is derived from a different verb (which is نجر ?). Thanks!
Lower Intermediate - Sawing wood
February 24th, 2012 | 1 comment |
For some of you, learning the names of various D.I.Y. tools in Arabic doesn't sound like the most exciting subject, but for some others it's a must. Of course it's not all just D.I.Y., you will also learn some plenty of other useful vocabulary, so tune in!
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