KarenFaucheux saysTue 13th Mar 12@10:11 pmI really appreciate the vocabulary and English commentary. Thanks for making your recent intermediate lessons more accessible. Keep it up!
What a sweet song. While we don't have the interjections of parts of the song into the podcast like your last song lesson, we do have the actual song in its own file - so we can listen to it 20, 30 times or more uninterrupted and memorize all of the nuances.
chazyouwin: you need one of these or something like it; http://mp3cut.net/
Looks good. I prefer to have the dialog provided, but if it were not provided, I would use something like that service. I did try to use something a couple of years ago, and was successful, but doing the cuts was very time consuming.
By the way I think I'm finally getting tired of the intro and exit music; not sure if it is needed for paying customers (lower intermediate and above). -
omg again Japanese animation! :gulp:
I didn't know until recently that many many Japanimation has exported all over the world this much. Of course I know this very famous one.Even this melody is the same as the original version. Maybe I should try this,though this level is still too difficult for me...
BTW,is Miyazaki Anime popular in Arab world? I don't watch anime but after I had my kids,I watched many of his works with them. They are really good. -
@Kurumi, Japanese animation has been playing all over Arab TVs since I was young. I have great memories of me and my cousins all getting together to watch anime episodes on TV, all dubbed in Arabic of course.
Yes Miyazaki is famous, actually one of the really popular series that everyone used to watch in childhood was directed by him. The series was called
Future Boy Conan (未来少年コナン Mirai Shōnen Konan?) In Arabic it's called عدنان ولينا
In fact, I just bought the DVD set dubbed in Arabic so that my son can watch it and I can revisit my childhood :-) -
Interestingly enough,my husband's favorite is also Mirai Shonen Konan.And like you,he tried to watch it with our kids..lol
Though ppl all over the world grew up within their own culture,really interesting those catoons make us share the same childhood memory. I do hope Japanese animation keep good quarity (I mean the concept of a story) for the next generations! ;-) -
There is a lower intermediate lesson on Adnan Waleena (عدنان ولينا)? About the man who gets mad at his cook? One of my favorites.
Yes, "Late Dinner," from January 2009.
لم يجد لدي فرصة مشاهدة البرنامج ليدي أسكر ولكن احب الاغنية و كلامها و استمتعت الدرس
اشتريت مجلة ماجد في الاسبوع الماضي لان اعتقد قراءة مجلات الاطفال وسيلة جيدة لتعلم اللغة العربية -
استمتعت بالدرس...
ماشاءالله مستواك في اللغة العربية جدا رائعة. يجب عليك أن تخبرنا إذا أتيت إلى لندن. واوافقك أن قراءة مجلات وكتب الاطفال وسيلة جيدة لتعلم اللغة
اتمنى لك كل التوفيق -
شكرا للمجاملة يا محمد ;-) ولكن احتاج وقتا طويلا حتى اصبح خبير في اللغة العربية
كما كتبت في الايمال الذي بعدته لك اريد ان اركز على التحدث في الشهور القادمة -
سوف اقوم بزيارة لندى فالصيف فيمكننا ان ننسق موعد لما يقترب الوقت؟
At about 2:34, you said نقوم بترجمة..
Similarly, can I say قم بالوجب حالا to mean "Do your homework now!" ? Is there better phrase? -
Sure, you can say (قم بالواجب حالاً) in fact is a well constructed proper Arabic sentence. Just notice it is واجب and not وجب -
Great lesson. Thanks! Please do more fusha songs like this.
Intermediate - Lady Oscar
March 9th, 2012 | 1 comment |
Many stories came out of the French revolution, amongst them is the story of Lady Oscar. It was eventually made into a cartoon that was dubbed and broadcast to the Arab world. We go through the intro of the series.
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