Shamsayn saysSun 25th Mar 12@02:48 amI have a question - why is it يمكننا الحصول عليھا rather than يمكننا نحصول عليھا ? Does it also work to use the present tense نحصول here? Thanks!
@ Shamsayn
Husuul (ﺤﺼﻮﻞ), the verbal noun of hasala (ﺤﺼﻞ), is very common in this type of construction, but I have come across at least one sentence in which nahsul(u) (ﻨﺤﺼﻞ) occurs immediately after yumkinunaa (ﻴﻤﻜﻨﻨﺎ). In most of the sentences in which “nahsul” and “yumkinunaa” co-occur they are separated by “'an” (ﺃﻦ). Incidentally, the Arabic verb form corresponding to “we obtain” (ﻨﺤﺼﻞ) is spelt without a “waaw”. -
Bi-haaja (ﺒﺤﺎﺠﺔ) calls for two remarks:
First, Ehab pronounces the “jiim” like the “dge” in Engl. “edge”, while Elias pronounces this letter like the “g” in Fr. “gifler” (cf. the podcast entitled “My feet hurt”).
Second, in “Offering help” bi-haaja (ﺒﺤﺎﺠﺔ) is followed by the preposition 'ilaa (ﺇﻟﻰ), but in “My feet hurt” it is used with the proclitic preposition li- (ﻟ). -
Interestig words...إنها...that it is. Hear it frequently on arabic tv news... to which I have been listing for the past eight months. Often enough it begins the sentence and makes sense, but not always so I just think...because it is... and that seems to solve the arguement between three or more men...they are in hot bebates over some current news...usually what's going on in Syria. I listen and I learn and recall what the buddah taught (no I am not a buddist)but I read alot and "loving every one and every thing even if you do not approve of their actions") Really? Think not! Love is not in my love book for those who live by violance...or Great White Sharks. However, I will respect him {or her} by staying out of their waters. Enough said!
Lower Intermediate - Offering help
March 16th, 2012 | 1 comment |
Moving to a new house is usually a stressful time, that's why it's common to offer help on such occasions. Today you will learn how to offer your help. We will also teach you how to accept someone else's offer to help you, so tune in!
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