and what else can i do to master the arabic language? is your website good enough to make progress or should i go to a course or buy/download a book? i need your advise
Let me express my opinion.
The journey from starting to learn a language to mastering it is quite long! It is said that mastering a new language depends upon four factors – Your age, Your motivation, Your environment and Your mother tongue. Among these, personally, I think that motivation is the most important factor.
If you want to learn Arabic from the internet, obviously, you need an exceptionally good teacher; and without doubt, Arabicpod is THE best! It guides, helps and inspires you to learn, understand and love Arabic. (At least, that was, and is, my experience with Arabicpod.) Its podcasts, transcripts and activities can keep you occupied for ages. But, the ultimate result depends upon YOU and your efforts. After all, as the Chinese proverb says “Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself”!
The way we structure our podcasts is to reflect on how you learned your native language, which happened by listening to the parents and copy them in what they say. Here in ArabicPod we give the platform to discuss many aspects from real life situations, and make you live it in Arabic language. So it is really the more you listen to the lessons the better you get.
Going from a level to another has to happen gradually, so if you listen to Lower intermediate lessons and you feel you understand and grasp everything, then keep going with that level but keep trying to listen to higher levels from time to time to see if the gap is being bridged, and naturally you'll find your level improving.
I say just start, and once you are with the flow of listening to the podcasts it would be part of your daily routines, and you will be learning Arabic smoothly without even noticing the effort you've done.
Bettawfeeq (good luck)
Ehab -
thank you very much for your explanation and great information that you just gave us, Mr. Saleh...
If you want to learn how to speak to Arabs in any part of Arab or Muslim World then Arabicpod is all you need. Arabicpod has best course and most useful and easy to follow.
If you want to study written arabic then arabicpod is a good start but you can add a free course from Madinah Arabic book series.
If you want to learn Quranic Arabic then you need to get a teacher either online or in your area. -
hi tansks for usful lessons i wanted to ask why the lower intermediate and higher lessons wouldent be downloaded?should i pay for them? by the way i really like the way mohammad mashaya and Yohab Saleh teach the cultural points and also the others im a 22 girl from iran thank you very much .
Hi Ehab Wa Muhammed, just a question about kalimat
'akil' - It is a noun in this dialog, but it is also a verb meaning "to eat", isn't it? Or is this a different word. Also, could the word "ta'am" be used as instead of "akil"? Do they have an identical meaning?
Also, to Ehteshamm, I can highly recommend Arabicpod as a great language learning method! -
Ahlan oranggila,
أكل - Akil - is a noun that means food
أَكَلَ - Akala - is a verb that means he ate
Notice that they both have the same spelling but different vowels.
With regards to using 6a3aam instead, well since it's a classical word not used much in colloquial, it would sound weird if you substituted Akil with 6a3aam in the dialogue since the sentence was very colloquial because of the word راح. It would sound ok if you used the classical version of راح which is ذهب.
راح يطلب أكل
ذهب ليطلب الطعام
I read that in classical arabic the following construction used for the subjunctive clause:
ذهب أن يطلب
and you said that without أن
it it possible to say this way? -
هل هذا صح في العامية للمضارع : أرح أصلي ؟
و كيف أقول لجمع في العامية : رحوا تناموا أو رح تناموا أو رح ناموا ؟
تقريباً. الجملة هي (رح أصلي) لاحظ لا يوجد حرف ألف في البداية. أما الجمع فقط تجمع الفعل (رح تناموا). يعني أداة المستقبل (رح) لا تتغير و يأتي بعدها مضارع.
شكرا يا أستاذ أيهاب
كنت أظن أن الكلمة "رح" هي فعل الأمر ... أليس كذللك ؟ أو أهي حرف خاص و يسمى "أداة المستقبل "؟ -
رح - هي أداة تستخدم للتعبير عن المستقبل في العامية. بالتالي هي بمكانة (سوف) أو (سـ) في الفصحى
Guys, why in this lesson راح means 'he went' while in 'Can't talk now' lesson it means 'I will' - example: راح اتصل عليك
Beginner - Can I sit here?
April 24th, 2012 | 1 comment |
Occasionally you might like to ask whether a seat is available if you see an empty one next to someone. We don't want you looking silly by taking someone else's chair so today's you will learn how to ask that question.
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1) i know the arabic grammer, will i be able to understand the conversations between arabs and arabic movies after completing all the levels from arabic pod?
2)will i be able to understand the audio lessons of advanced level by learning after completing the levels before?
3)how many lessons should i learn from each level to go to next level?
please answer this question :-) :-)