Thanks for the lesson - a nice one - useful phrases. One question - in the PLC you mention ركض
as a word for running but in the transcript the word is جري
I'm used to using the word جري but wanted to ask what the context is for using these different words? Is ركض more classical? -
و عندي سؤال ثاني - ما الفرق بين الرعاية و المحافظة؟
سمعت كل الكلمتين في الدرس و اريد ان افهم اذا كانت حالة استخدم محافظة بدلا من رعاية؟
Intermediate - Health program
April 27th, 2012 | 1 comment |
In today's lesson you will hear a boy talking to his mum about a health program that came on TV. He explains to her how to maintain a healthy lifestyle, so tune in to learn some useful Arabic vocabulary around this subject.
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jazaakum allah khair li 3amilukum