Congratulations! Looking forward to the next 500 ...
All the best,
Karen -
Quite a feat, especially in keeping up the high quality over so many lessons and in creating new associated content like post lesson commentaries, exercises, audio transcripts, and dialogues and in responding to all of the comments for the lessons and the forum. !نحتفل
Greetings from India! !مبروك
500 fun filled lessons. :) -
You got better and better over these 5 years, doing 500 lessons. It is really fun to listen to you, and at the same time also learning to understand spoken Arabic. Not only in the stories you do, but also those from other sources.
You are great
Well done! I have been using this website for almost 4 years now and it's still my favourite resource for learning Arabic. Thanks and keep it up!
All the best, keep going lads :) -
Mabrook to all!!!
your passions goes over didactics and reach the reader, thanks
Mabrook to our two nutty teachers!! Then again, I think @fazrihan has the right track as it is congrats to us all for having the privilege of being part of this vibrant learning community and being given access to two creative, colorful, and dedicated teachers. We all look forward to درس رقم ألف !
Awesome work guys!
عمل ممتاز جداً جداً
It's hard enough of a job to just download and listen to all these excellent podcasts, so I really appreciate the effort that must have gone in to the writing of dialogs, the recording the editing, the transcripts, the comments, etc... and all in perfect Arabic!
Lots of bowls of potato chips had to have been consumed in the process ;-) -
أقدّر جهودكم العظيمة وإنجازاتكم المتميّزة في مجال تعليم اللغة العربية. أظنّ أنني استفدت كثيرا من موقعكم الجميل وأنا ممتنّ جدّا لكم. أتمنّى لكم النجاح الدائم.
great job lads - keep it up for the years to come - alf mabruuk
Outstanding work to Arabic Pod.net, they have helped like the path of ignorance for thousands of new Arabic listeners!
Congratulations. Well earned. I've learned more from Ehab and Mohammed in 6 months than in 2 years of formal study. Like two old friends and I look forward to 500 more. shukran jazillan.
!الف شكر لالدروس الممتازة
Your lessons have been the most useful source for learning Arabic I've ever found, while never ceasing to be entertaining. I'm really grateful to you guys for your hard work, and can't wait to see what else you come up with! -
salam everyone,
Hal ta3lam the difference between 'ta3ref' wa 'ta3lam'? probably it has something to do with plural and singular I guess?
'ta3ref' was used fee al7e99ah 'car for sale'.
Thanks in advance.
Now we have lesson no.535 already.Every lesson is fun! -
@Kurami, they both can mean "you know". However, there is a difference, Ta3lam is usually associated with knowledge from learning. Whereas Ta3ref is more associated with recognition and knowing.
A few examples should clear the picture.
هل تعرف ايهاب؟
Hal ta3ref eehab?
Do you know Ehab?
You cannot say
هل تعلم ايهاب؟
Another example...
هل تعلم أن هناك سبعة أيام في الاسبوع؟
Hal ta3lam anna hunaak sab3at ayaam fee alusboo3?
Do you know that there are seven days in a week?
Ok, I'll make it easier for you... Where ever you would use "You know that..." in English then you would use تعلم أن in Arabic, otherwise if it's just "you know..." then you would use تعرف -
Shukran for the detailed clarification,alaan a3taqedy anny ata3lamy the difference.^^ (In verb feminine form,simply adding 'ya'would work? Still difficult to grasp shuwaya.)
I also found 'ta3ref' fee al 7e99ah'Mobile Arabic pod'.So it makes me wonder that in this lesson's context,I mean'5 hundredth lesson,using both words interchangably might be alright..?
But now I see the difference,so I'm looking forward to another encounter with them.
Lately when I noticed any word which I had met before,I return to that lesson and go over it again.I always find something new there,really fun! -
My understanding about feminine and masculine so far is:
1:Nouns are separated into feminine and masculine,and fenimine nouns have ' ة'at the end.
2:Adjectives and pronouns change their shape according to noun's gender.
3:When a person is talking to a female,shapes of adjectives and verbs change.
Are these correct?
In case 3,since shape of verbs changes frequently depending on gender and dual and plural,it is still difficlt for me to guess each shape.Hope I'll get used to it eventually.
The other day I heard 'lawsama7ty',addressing a female.I was surprised even a word for saying 'please'can change! Interesting indeed.
:) -
Kurumi,when you talk about yourself, the gender does not matter, so you would say (a3taqed - I think) in case of a male or female speaker. The gender matters when you talk about someone else.
As for your second comment, the conclusions are correct, it is just a matter of time to get used to all of them.
By the way, I didn't get the point on (ta3ref), more clarification might help. -
Shukran Ehab,that's the point which have confused me often. Now all I have to concentrate is someone's gender I mention,not me.That's much simpler. ;-)
Beginner - Five hundredth lesson!
June 25th, 2012 | 1 comment |
We're celebrating here at ArabicPod.net for producing 500 MP3 podcasts, that's over 85 hours of audio content alone! Tune in to hear the hosts celebrate and teach you some useful vocabulary around this joyful occasion. Viva la ArabicPod.net!
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alexander, your listener since the show #150.