AhmedAbdirazak2012 saysMon 24th Dec 12@02:59 pmسلام عليكم مدرسوني هذا درس مفيد جدلاكن ف الحكىك أظن إن كل دروسكم مفيدجدو أشكركم ل عملكم
good lesson
Although I have been an advocate of having a separate dialogue file and ArabicPod has accommodated me in that regard, I have really come to think that a separate dialogue file is not necessary for beginner lessons. There is enough repetition in the lesson itself. The separate dialogue is extremely helpful (indeed perhaps necessary) for the lower to upper intermediate lessons -- but I think we can survive without it for the beginner lessons.
@chazyouwin, The dialogue is now needed for the mobile version of the website (www.arabicpod.net/mobile), so we have to upload it with every podcast :-/
Can you also say hadthihi nihayat alfasl. Would that also make sense? Is nihayat definite after hadthihi?
@jamalbinti14 , yes you can use (haad'ihi nihaayat alfa9l) as (alfa9l الفصل) is used in some dialect to mean (the class).
The word (nihaayat) is not defined because in Arabic when you say (the end of the ...) then you only define the second noun which you refer to (class, lesson, game...) so you say (nihaayat afa9l, nihaayat allu3bah...). -
I think post lesson commentary of this lesson is extremely helpful to understand how to speak under this situaion.Thank you very much.
The alphabet at the top of the dialogue page is very helpful but where can I find the key for those numbers that you use for those non anglophone Arabic pronunciations.
Abraham -
carl4160, just go to the (Activities) page and click on (ArabicPod) to the top left of the page. Browse these applications and find (Arabic Pronunciation Guide) in the last page of the application. I believe that would be what you are after. It is also worth also exploring the other apps there, am sure you will find them helpful :)
دروس مفيدة جدا جدا
شکرا جزيلا للمدرسين
جزاکم الله -
:) يا للروعة .... ادرس العربية و الإنجليزية معا
Beginner - End of class
December 24th, 2012 | 1 comment |
It's common to ask whether anyone has any questions after giving a lesson or speech. In the podcast, we teach you how to ask this question in Arabic as well as give a good answer to it if you ever become a recipient of such a question.
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