أنا أحب هذا الدرس
I love this lesson :) -
Here we go! Mohamed and Ehab, could you please correct my hopefully not too many mistakes (and sorry everyone for the missing harakat…)
تعايش ملكة النحل في خلية النحل مع شعبها. هي ذهبية اللون و لكن النحل العامل لونه بني مخطط. النحلة النشيطة تطير من زهرة الى زهرة و تجمع رحيق و حبوب اللقاح. ثم با لبيت تعمل النحلة من هذا العسل. كل شعب النحل عنده مكان معين فيه يبهث الاكل.
:) :) :) :) -
"Homework" from PLC:
النحل يجمعن الرحيق -
@ Na7la, that is brilliant to be honest. Few corrections, the first word should be (تعيش), also it is better to use (ثم بالبيت تعمل النحلة من هذا الرحيق العسل) so just to be specific on (الرحيق). Finally I am not sure what you mean by (يبهث), but in general this is really good paragraph.
By the way, your answer to the PLC sentence is correct (النحل يجمعن الرحيق).
A note on the word (نحل), it means bees and it describes the type of insects or the species as being (bees) so if you mean the (type) then you treat it as singular word. However if you talk about specific bees that you saw for instance, like (I saw 3 bees) then you wouldn't use (نحل) as plural rather you would use (نحلات), so the sentence would be (رأيت ثلاث نحلات). Hope you see the difference. -
Shokran Ehab for the valuable corrections and explanations! With (يبهث ) I meant to say "looking for/searching".
Have a nice Sunday! -
I think the confusion was due to you misspelling the word. You used a H but should have used 7 (ح)
Lower Intermediate - Hardworking
January 16th, 2013 | 1 comment |
We go through a nice short song which teaches us that nice things come from hard work. For example, the bees work hard collecting nectar in order to make honey. Join us to learn some useful Arabic words as well as hear the song!
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Last year in my class we had to write a text about an animal of our choice, and I picked the bee and wrote a short story... will try to piece it back together again for you tomorrow :)
Also, everyone, please check sura 16 in the holy Quran, it is called an-Nahl (سورة النحل)very beautiful!!