@Ayaz, transcript corrected, thanks
Very good lesson.waiting for a similar on passive voice and subjunctive😉
Brilliant! Way the best explanation I heard so far for the Imperative! Thanks guys! :)
A fantastic explanation in the podcast and in the transcript; my thanks to both of you for all your great work, but particularly the work here.
Wow! Now I understand why I would sometimes hear native speakers use "alef" to start the imperative, and other times not. And of course most native speakers don't know what the grammar rule is...so my friend had no idea how to explain this!
What about the negative imperatives? From reading transcripts of other lessons, it seems to be لا plus the verb, starting with the ت form (لا تغلط from "Don't Provoke Me."). Is this always the case? What about the "Let's" form? Thanks in advance for explaining this.
@shebab, very good note on the negative imperative, we shall talk about it in a lesson. In brief, if you put (laa لا) and follow it with the verb in the present tense as if you talk to someone then that would form a negative imperative. Examples:
you go: تذهب >> don't go: لا تذهب
you eat: تأكل >> don't eat: لا تذهب
you let: تدع >> don't allow: لا تدع
you permit: تسمح >> don't permit: لا تسمح
I hope all these examples have simplified it for you. -
Thanks Ehab...it did simplify it...But what about the "Let's" (go/eat/sleep/etc) form?
If you mean how to say (let's go, eat...) in Arabic then (let's) is (دعنا), so you would say (دعنا نذهب) for (let's go) and (دعنا نأكل) for (let's eat).
Lower Intermediate - Grammar: Imperatives
January 21st, 2013 | 1 comment |
Imperatives in Arabic can be a complex subject. The truth is that most Arabs don't know all the grammatical rules around it, they have just got used to creating imperatives without needing to think. However, learners need to know the rules surrounding them, and this podcast should help!
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I think the transcript contains an error, as the 1st header reads:
Regular verbs i.e. verbs that does not contain و ,أ or ي
And the second reads:
Irregular verbs i.e. verbs that do not contain و ,أ or