Hi climacus, I don't have answers for your questions, but I do have a question about the phrase you used in Arabic at the beginning of your post. You say هذا الدرس مفيد جدا . Might the هذا already define درس so that the ال is not necessary? Or would we say "this the lesson" which is what I believe you have written there.
@climacus, glad you found the podcast useful :) The final vowel is often dropped from all versions of a verb in colloquial. People are just lazy in the street :-P
The general word for 'take' in Arabic is
Is7ab is used where 'pull' is used in English, with the addition of the cards context. We could have even used خذ ورقتين
@chazyouwin, هذا doesn't act as a definite article, usually the noun that comes after it is defined by adding the definite article 'al' الـ or tanween at the end of the word, so indeed 'dars' should be defined in هذا الدرس مفيد جدا . Further examples
هذا الكتاب ثقيل
This book is heavy
If the word that comes after هذا is mu9'aaf, then you don't define it (Search the lessons page for "Al-idhaafah") e.g.
هذا كتاب محمد
This is Mohamed's book -
احب اونو جدا
Two questions:
If I want to say "it's my turn", is it دوري ?
Is بس in the second sentence the colloquial word for لكن ? So far I had known it to mean "enough".
Have a nice sunday dears :)
بس has several meanings.
As an interjection, instead of كَفَى or وكَفَى to mean - Enough! That's enough! Enough of that! And that’s all! No more! Sufficient! Stop!
Instead of لكن to mean – But
Instead of فقط to mean – Only, Just
(When used to mean ‘only’ or ‘just’, it usually comes BEFORE the noun.)
بس واحد = واحد فقط = just one
@Na7la, Yes indeed you just say دوري which means "My turn".
and yes again بس is the colloquial word for لكن which is "but", but it's also used sometimes in colloquial to mean "enough". -
@Na7la,salaam alaykom,
you can find بس in the lesson'Good Morning'and 'Have no choice'.It is used differently . :)
Btw,just out of curiosity,but can I use تبّّْاًً to my friends? When I remember new words, I try to use it usually,but maybe I should ask if it is allright.. :P -
Sorry,I still can't put shadda well. :question: -
Kurumi, you can use tabban but make sure it is not directed against someone. Like you can say (tabban I forgot the book) but not to say (tabban why did you do that?) hope you see what I mean.
شكرالك يا ايهاب.إذن هذا جملةجائزة,
"Tabban I still can't put shadda well!"
;-) -
I tried exercise now,(it is really usuful thank you!) and noticed 'ta7'taar' wasn't in the choice but 'ta7'taaz' was there. Is this some kind of flaw or did I miss something..?
@Kurumi, You are right, it's an error. It should have been Ta7'taar. We have corrected it :)
Assalam alaykum,
I played cards with my kids tonight and found it a perfect training chance for numbers,colours, and some simple expressions in this lesson. When i can't remember words instantly, that's where I should learn again. ;-)
Lower Intermediate - Which colour
April 5th, 2013 | 1 comment |
Uno is a card game that is played worldwide by children and families. Colours and numbers play key parts in the game and that's why it's also a great way to practice or learn a language. Tune in to learn some useful vocabulary that is used when playing such a game.
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As always.
I find the phrases such as "your turn" very helpful as they are phrases you can use in everyday speech. And I love the humour and laughs, and passion and effort of course, in all your lessons. The PLC was beneficial too. In terms of the colloquial dropping the final damma off فزت , in colloquial is this just for "I", or can the final vowel be dropped from you/he/she/etc...?
Regarding "'pull' a 'paper'" ;-) : is اسحب used in many other instances in English where we'd say 'take' in terms of an object in front of us, or is it restricted to playing cards/games?