plop saysTue 16th Apr 13@11:20 amnice one - what is the last letter? . I read :انساناناً
@plop, the last letter an an alif with a tanween on top. It's there to define the word.
انساناً -
Very cool lesson. There are many useful vocabulalies as well. Shukran laki ya Na7la li haad'aa al qi99ah jayedah! And I didn't know that Na7la means 'bee' . And was surprised a little because the other day I changed my prof pic here into a flying bee,which has been the same of my facebook prof pic. Do you prefer 'Na7la' to 'Na7lataan'? Hope you like 'Na7lataan' are flying around ' fee haad'aa al mawqe3 jameer 'and collecting many Arabic knowledge... Araaki laa7eqan inshaa Allah. :lol:
Oh I would like to ask a question. In the third line, it=yaa=he . And she=ha is embedded in ma3naahaa. I wonder why..? Both can be used interchangeably? -
Thanks so much Mohammed and Ehab for this lesson and for using my tattoo, I feel very honoured!!! :)
Could you maybe say something also about the verb (ابقى), “to remain”, checking in Barrons I found (تبقى) as the basic, is that correct? Could you please give some more examples of how to use it? شكرا
Kurumi, what a lovely coincidence with your flying bee pic, I love it!! ;-)
Maybe you should get a (وشم مكتوب بالعربي ايضا)
Bees in general should be considered as more valuable creatures, they are tiny, but they do a most fantastic job! Unfortunately the bees are suffering from terrible diseases and need to be protected!! In the Holy Quran they are mentioned as follows:
Sura 16 (سورة النحل)/ Nr. 69:
"Then eat from all the fruits and follow your Lord's smoothed paths." From their bellies comes out a syrup of different hues, wherein is healing for mankind. Surely, in that there is a sign for a people who reflect.”
I hope and wish my tattoo will inspire more people to be/stay human, thanks again lads!!
P.S.: Sorry I am late, I was in Italy for a few days!!!
:) -
I like the lesson, but try as I might I do not discern the first word. I just can't identify (maybe seems upside down) the kaaf ك
or the noon ن -
I think the text on your arm reads " إبقاء إنساناً " = (ibqa2 insanan) = Stay human!? But where is the SIN in inSanan?
A nice lesson, indeed!
The text is ابق انسانا (ibqa insanan)
The sin in handwriting is often replaced by a line ___ and in my case sin is indicated on top of the line. :) -
In colloquial we are also using شو يعني for ماذا يعني right? صح؟
@na7la, mostly in Levantine they use شو to mean what, so شو يعني means what does it mean?
@tau, the font used in the tattoo is a common font that is used on a daily basis when people hand write. It's called
خط الرقعة
7'a6 Arruq3ah
In this font, the س is represented by a line. It's popular because of the speed of writing.
@Kurumi, معنى is a noun which means Meaning. معناه means his meaning (his can also be an object if it's masculine i.e. its meaning), and معناها is her meaning. When adding a possessive pronoun to word that ends with Alif Maq9oorah ى it changes to an alif ـا . More information on Possessive Pronouns can be found in the "Possessive pronouns" lesson 257. -
@Moshaya,thank you,I didn't know about the rule of ى و ا .I haven't gone to the lesson 257,I'll go there from now.
But still I can't understand why 'yaa' in 'wa maad'aa ya3ny ' becomes 'haa' in 'Kun insaanan ma3naahaa Be Human'. is that 'yaa' for Washm? And Is 'haa' for 'Kun insaanan'? Then 'Kun Insaanan' can be replaced 'jumlah' so that it is a female noun? I would be appriciate a little more explanation for this.
Thanks in advance :-)
@Na7la,thanks,I don't have tatoo at the moment,but if I have a chance,I want to put on one as cool as yours. ;-) -
@Kurumi, يعني is a verb that means it/he means. Yes it refers to the tattoo Washm.
معنى is a noun that means 'meaning', and the haa in معناها refers to the phrase Kun Insaanan. Phrase in Arabic is 3ibaarah and it's feminine.
Notice, although they look the same, they are not the same word. The first one means 'means' and the second one means 'meaning'.
Further examples,
هو يعني
He means
هي تعني
She means
نحن نعني
We mean
الوشم معناه
The tattoo's meaning
الكلمة معناها
The word's meaning -
@Moshaya,fahamtu kul kalimatak,shukran. :-)
Beginner - Arabic tattoo
April 15th, 2013 | 1 comment |
Many people choose Arabic words to be tattooed on their bodies. I remember seeing the Arabic word "Hadeed" tattooed on a muscular guy's bald head in the gym. Today we go through a real dialogue that happened when one of our users decided to get a tattoo.
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