na3am,ya3'jebny haatha addars ai6'an. Very nice.I think the commonarity of these 4 people's charaters are they are all a little 'عنيد ', %-P
هههه أمزح معاك!
As for the pronouciation of mennak, I've heard of 'lakinny' and 'lakinnany'. Both are in Arabicpod.net. Perhaps they were the same pattern..?
Also,I would like to know more about kaan, kunt,and so forth.Is there a lesson about these expressions?
Thanks in advance. -
:-) Kurumi.
Kurumi, both (lakinny) and (lakinnany) can be used interchangeably, I believe (lakinnany) emphasises the situation more.
As for (kaan and her sisters), this is how we call it by the way, we will make a lesson on them inshallah soon :) -
شكراً يا أستاذنا، سآخذ الدرس على
kaan and her sisters
!ان شاء الله -
Good lesson. I think the personal discussions do kind of give a welcomed relief to the lesson in that it gives it a more light hearted feel which is good as it means the lessons are dry.
Good lesson
Lower Intermediate - Give me the remote
April 24th, 2013 | 1 comment |
Sometimes it's difficult agreeing on something to watch when gathered with family or friends in front of the telly. Often the person in charge is the eldest... We teach you some useful Arabic vocabulary related to such a scenario.
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And I do enjoy the personal discussions you both have; they often make me laugh out loud.