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Regarding to your question about the spelling, yes, it is right how you have written the dual form.
Shokran Tomes for your nice wishes, we wish you the best too.
another great lesson! the arabic that we learn from arabicpod.net
is it Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) and is it like the arabic spoken on al Jazeera and other arabic news channels?
salam -
la (no), it is not.. Classical Arabic (Fa9ee7ah) that is used in reading the news is the same in all Arabic speaking countries, while the modern Arabic (3ammeyah) could have different words and it is spilt into dialects.
I agree. This was a good lesson. I've never seen the words شمر and هلم before, so that's 2 more words added to my growing vocab! As long as I don't forget them I'll be good.
thearabicstudent.blogspot.com -
Assalamu alaikum
Anyone who knows please answer my question
Which one correct?
1. Astagffirullahal Azim allazi La Ilaha Illa Huwal Hayyul Qayyumu Wa atubu Ilahi or
2. Astagffirullahal Azim allazi La Ilaha Illa Huwal Hayyal Qayyuma Wa atubu Ilahi
Jaziluz Syukr -
It is the first one that is correct, so the word (قيوم) is pronounced as (Qayyumu).
Syukran Ya Ehab Ala Jawabik
Limaza Qayyumu? Alaisa Huwa Maf ul? I ask because one Imam recite Qayyuma after Solat at my place. But i strongly believe its must be Qaiyyumu based on Ayat Kursi. Isn it? TQ
Bluz, the word (qayyoom) in that sentence is an adjective which follows a Marfoo3 word so it comes marfoo3 as well, so we say it as (qayyoomu).
استغفر الله العظيم الذى لا اله الا هو الحي القيوم واتوب اليه
ما موقع الحي القيوم من الاعراب؟ لفظ الجلالة مفعول به
Upper Intermediate - The field
March 18th, 2008 | 1 comment |
In this Upper Intermediate podcast Ehab and Mohamed go through an extract from an Arabic play, which on the outside appears to be about two friends harvesting a field, but if we examine closely, the play has a deeper meaning within wider aspects of life. The excerpt is an enjoyable read and we hope that you'll also find the lesson both enjoyable as well as useful.
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(is that spelling right for, "My teachers (dual)")
You have outdone yourself, I have been very busy with work and have not as much time as usual to see how well this site and network has grown! I'm looking forward to subscribing to the premium edition this weekend! Great job again guys, I'm so glad to see this becoming a great success!