ayaz saysSat 5th Oct 13@11:58 pmalf mabrook
ألف مبروك و الله ينور عليكم!
To keep making high quality lessons is not an easy job, salute. ;-)
I found PLC very interesting and useful. Shukran^.^
I sometimes see عضيم
in FB comments for a beautiful pic and so forth, as well as maa shaa2 Allah and subhaan Allah, but haven't seen other three words: كبير رائع ضخم
Can I use these words too like روعة? -
رائع! مبروك و شكراَ جزيلاً لكل من عملك شاق
Shukran Ayaz, Kurumi and durruti,
@kurumi, you can use (رائع) or (روعة) to describe a nice picture or an impressive thing you saw, but (كبير) and (ضخم) mean (large) and (huge) respectively, so you can't use it with a picture for instant, but you can use it with an achievement. So just like English, you can say (big or huge achievement) to describe a great achievement, but not (big or huge picture) because that would mean literally a large picture in size. Hope it makes sense. -
Thank you Ehab, so روعة,رائع and عضيم can stand alone as a comment, but latter 2 need a noun before them...I see!
:-) -
!مفيد علينا هذه الدروس
مبروک مبروک
ان شاء الله دائما موفقین
Congrats guys! I have seen the whole journey and am still coming back !!
شكر كثير هذاالدرس مخمةلي انا
I always promote you to my friends on Facebook. Long may Arabicpod wave!
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To celebrate 6 years and 600 podcasts, we have dedicated podcast number 600 to this achievement. You will still learn plenty of useful vocabulary of course, with the help of our guest Emma, so make sure you press play!
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