Sorry about the delayed answer, tomest05
Interesting and deep point you are highlighting. First thing the word (لازم) is more prior than (يجب). So if I say something is (لازم) then this is like a (must), while if something is (واجب) then this is more of a (should).
As for (اضطر للسفر), this is said when you had to travel for a reason out of your control, very much like saying (I have to travel or I am ought to travel).
Lower Intermediate - How's work?
November 15th, 2013 | 1 comment |
One of the most common questions used when meeting an old friend is about work. In today's podcast, you will learn how to ask about work and also how to answer such a question with a good or bad answer.
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What are the differences between saying اضطر للسفر
And يجب علي ان أسفر ?
Or لازم أسفر ?
Are there significant nuances? Or grammatical usages that differentiate those expressions ?
Thanks as always , I learn something in every lesson!