Ahlan Princess_Halima;
(Ana uhebbuha) means (I love her), where this (ha) in the end is a feminine pronoun.
Yes, (7abeeby) means (my love) talking to masculine, while (7abeebaty) means (my love) but talking to feminine.
شاهت فيديو الأغنية في يو تبي, أنا أعرفه المغني إسمه أحمد بوخاطر
عندي سوال,ما معنى الجوال في الفيديو؟
مذا ينتظر؟
مع السلامة
zaytuna, we're sorry for being late in answering,, I didn't spot your comment before,, I didn't find the word (جوال) in the song!! If you tell us which minute in the song the word was mentioned that would help.
General speaking, the word (جوال) means mobile,, any form of mobile whether it is mobile phone or anything else.
I'm sure everyone wants to know the name of the song... what is it min fadlaka?
This song is called Zawjaty (زوجتي) and is sung by Ahmed Bukhatir (أحمد بوخاطر).
It's a favourite of mine too :) -
In fact, it is available now in forum, go to the Music and Anasheed forum and you'll find it there :)
I was wondering if anyone can tell me how to say "happy birthday sweetheart, I love you" to a woman...I kind of need a rush on that if it would be okay..
Happy Birthday: sana 7elwa ya gameel
I love you (to a woman): Ana u7ebbuki
Where 7 is the Arabic letter ح. A bit like a strong 'H' sound but from the middle of the throat. See APG in Sharepoint for correct pronunciation of this letter. -
Thanks a lot for this episode!!!!! can you , please, make more episodes using songs!!!! thanks a lot for your work!!!! I love you!!!!
you are the masters. that lesson rocked. i often wondered what that guy was singing when i watched on arabic channel.
salam.. i think it's a really good idea to go through arabic songs, especially those from Ahmed Bukhatir. Great job, keep it up! :)
yes and i like the ones by hamza namrah
thanks :-) -
Hello. I have a boyfriend from Lebanon and I want to surprise him by telling him " you are the best thing that has happened to me" Thank you. :)
@mslatina, just say (Anta ajmal shay 7a9al fee 7ayaaty) or in Arabic alphabets (أنت أفضل شئ حصل في حياتي) and am sure he will be very impressed with that :)
@Ehab wa mslatina
Salaam 3alaykum, ajmal means 'most beautiful' and af6'al means 'the best', so both words look very nice. Good luck ya mslatina. ;-)
lakinny maazelt laa afa7am al kalimataan 'ajimal' wa af6'al ..
Are they both for 'more' and 'the most'?
Also,what is the difference between af6'al and a3la ?
ta7yaati -
An attempt at a further dialogue on this topic (with a lot of reference to earlier lessons):
هل تحبني؟
.نعم, يا قلبي. انت كل ما تمنيت
اذا متى سترجع؟
.لا ادري. لكن مهما صار, انت حبيبتي
-Do you love me?
-Yes, my heart. You are all that I wished for.
-Then when will you return?
-I don't know. But whatever happens, you are my love!
Lower Intermediate - You are my love
April 1st, 2008 | 1 comment |
This lower intermediate lesson is all about love. We go through the lyrics to an Arabic song that a man has dedicated to his beloved wife. Learn all you need to know about love, from pet names for your loved one to sweet talk that is sure to win them over. Tune in and impress your sweetheart with some wise words of love in Arabic...
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shukran jazillan