Great lesson! My first intermediate lesson after finishing the last two levels... And a huge jump up from lower intermediate! Wow!
النهايات الحزينه l thought we cannot have a pronoun with a definite word. Should it be correctly النهايات حزينه. If the latter is correct does the phrase mean towards the endings of his sadness rather than sad endings, the the sense of which I find difficult to understand. أرجوك تساعدني لأفهم
افتخار اسماعيل من سري لنكا -
Dear Ehab
Please comment on my submission on 30th May
Ifthikar -
Ifthi, the difference between (النهايات الحزينة) and (النهايات حزينة) is the later is a complete sentence whereas the other is not. When you say (النهايات الحزينة) the word (الحزينة) here is an adjective, i.e. you are describing the ends (the sad ends...) and the sentence needs a (khabar) to inform us of what about those sad ends? like (النهايات الحزينة مؤلمة), the sad ends are painful, where painful is the (khabar here).
As for (النهايات حزينة) this is a complete sentence here because the word (حزينة) is the (khabar) here telling us that the ends are sad.
So I am to translate both this gives you a better understanding:
النهايات الحزينة the sad ends
النهايات حزينة the ends are sad
Hope that helps, -
Thank you Dear Ehab for the effort you have kindly made. I do understand but what prompted me to ask the question is that the transcript has الحزينه and not الحزينة There is no marbutha at the end of the word. Obviously it was a typographical error . شكرًا جزيلا Ifthi
Intermediate - Funeral of a musician
March 3rd, 2014 | 1 comment |
Even news reports in Arabic can be so poetic and magical! Today's one is around the death of a famous Sudanese singer. Tune in with the usual hosts and learn the Arabic involved surely but slowly.
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Fascinating. Great lesson.