Ahlan again Sal;
The alef (أ) in the word (أضف) is part of the verb itself, and as you read in the translation, it is an order (أضف means Add).
Now if you want to make it present tense verb, just make it sound like(أريد) so it becomes (أضيف), if we want to compare them, (أريد) means (I want)and (أضيف) means (I add).
Hope that is clear.
hi Ehab good point i really like the way u explaine things ,so siplme and undrestandable
salam alaikum brothers, عندي سؤال...
I have a question regarding the usage of the verb (إتصل). Some times it is used as (...إتصل ب), some times as (..إتصل على), and finally here we see (..إتصل مع). what are the differences between them? are they all same or differs in some points?
and second question: could we say here
(..أريد ان إتصل مع) instead of
(..أريدالإتصال مع)? what is the difference between these two sentence?
shukran jazeelan..
ferhan -
frhn, there is no difference between those sentences, you are free to choose:
أريد ان إتصل مع أحمد
أريد ان إتصل على أحمد
أريد ان إتصل بأحمد
Arabic is flexible in using the preposition after the verb (أتصل) to call someone.
However if you are using (أتصل) in connecting to the internet for instance or to a network, then the best form of the sentence is to use (بـ):
أريد ان إتصل بالإنترنت
Finally (أن أتصل) and (إتصال) give the same meaning.
Using (أن) followed by the verb is equivalent to using the gerund form of the verb:
أن أتصل = إتصال
Calling = to call
أن أقترب = إقتراب
Getting close = to get close
Hope that helps,
very useful explanation, thank you ehab;)
الرمز الدولي لاستراليا هو صفر...صفر...ستة... واحد
The international code for Australia is 0061
الرمز الدولي لنيوزيلندا هو صفر...صفر...ستة...اربعة
The international code for New Zealand is 0064
Lower Intermediate - International calling
April 21st, 2008 | 1 comment |
Sometimes we make the silliest mistakes, but just can't see where we went wrong! It's only until we ask for help and the other person quickly points out the error, that we realise the small slip-up made. Tune in to learn how to ask others for help in Arabic, perhaps you have made a mistake as petty as that in the dialogue (forgetting to dial the international code), but need someone to point it out.
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Is the word (أضف) here a present tense? because it starts with (أ), like (أريد) which is present tense.