Yes Tomest05, the sentence "Prove to me!" is:
أثبت لي
As for "to disappoint" you can use (yu7'ayyib amal يخيب أمل) . So a sentence like "This student disappointed me" is (هذا الطالب خيب أملي), where (7'ayyab amaly) is the past tense meaning (disappointed me). -
Very interesting translation for "disappoint". Does it literally mean something like "dash/disregard my hope"?
So don't disappoint me is:
لا تخيب املي
Shukran as always Ehab! -
Yes Tomes05, it is a phrase and literally (yu7'ayyib amaly يخيب أملي) means (he disappointed my hope!). So the word (خاب) means disappointed and it usually comes with (أملي). However you can say (لا تخيبني) for (don't disappoint me) and it is correct just like your example of (لا تخيب أملي) which is indeed correct.
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Ex: "Prove it to me!".
إثبت لي ?
Also, what is "to disappoint"?
Thanks as always!