سلآم عليكم
these lessons are very useful for me thanks for all.
i learned from the lessons a lot of new wordS.Sometimes I can understand Quran without translate,but when I listen arabic songs I understand only a few words,can you HELP me?
و عليكم سلام
El_kalem, of course we can help you. If there are any words that you don't understand you can post it here or in the forum and I'm sure there will be loads of people willing to help. Keep it up! -
i liked this lesson very much. i found a little cartoon video and it talks in Arabic and it has translation i liked it very much and it was really easy to understand. Hope u enjoy. it is so cute
Nice clip! I stil have trouble getting used to them pronouncing ق like أ
Good lesson, very relevant to me 8-/
How can I say I woke up late in Arabic?
Thanks in advance! -
This comment is about the position of the adjective in Arabic. The attributive adjective is normally placed after the noun it qualifies. A typical example is provided by "al-hisaan al-azraq" (the blue horse), the title of a painting by Fuad al-Futaih (Sana'a, Republic of Yemen). The word "nafs" (= same), however, is apparently an exception since it occurs repeatedly in the pattern "nafs + DEFINITE ARTICLE + NOUN". In this lesson, for instance, we find a clause which has been transcribed as follows: "tasta3mel nafs al3ud'ur" (you use the same excuse). There is a similar example in the lesson entitled "Covering letter"): "Maa zeltu a3mal fy nafs almaktab" (I am still working in the same office). Does "nafs" belong to a special sub-group of adjectives, or should it be assigned to another word class altogether?
I was wondering whether 'nafs' is either considered to be a noun or number within an idafa structure.
@ psibear
I've already resolved this problem unaided. "Nafs" is a noun that means "soul" or "self", but it means "same" when it occurs in the pattern "nafs + DEFINITE ARTICLE + NOUN".
Lower Intermediate - Sorry for being late
May 9th, 2008 | 1 comment |
Unlike the guy in the dialogue, we are never late in delivering these podcasts, but was he late for a valid reason? Is he telling the truth? Turns out he used that excuse before. If you're one who is always on time then learn how to complain to the late comers about them being late, and if you're the one that is always late, then ahem learn how to give excuses ahem.
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I hate that habit when people don't come on time.. You guys are always on time;) ,, is it you post the lessons every Wednesday and Friday? I see the e-mail comes in these days.
Shokran again for the lesson.