كل عام وانتم بخير
Compared to you, Tau, I'm a fairly new user of Arabicpod (I probably joined around 2015).
Consequently, I'm still taking advantage of Arabicpod's huge archive of past lessons. (I worked through all the beginner lessons, from the earliest to the most recent - and have now started the process again with the lower intermediate lessons.)
So I still have lots of existing Arabicpod material to work through...
Given that Arabicpod is a voluntary effort, I can think of various reasons why, after all these years, it may have become harder for the founders to keep adding new content.
Yet, over my time using Arabicpod, its founders have come to seem almost like friends. So I too would love to see some more lessons! -
الله يسلمكم
I just renewed premium membership for another year. Even if there may be few additional lessons, there is just a valuable lifetime of content for casual learners to visit and revisit. It has been astonishing that the founders have kept it going for so long with such quality, and I hope they again surprise us at some point with new lessons.
Same here chazyouwin. I renewed my membership too just to access all their content. I hope start again. Any news why they seem to have stopped?
They're just really busy with their better pay-day jobs and family, I think. Ehab is a research professor in materials authoring publication after publication, and Mohamed has three kids. It is nice to see that they keep this site on-line for everyone; I was worried for a while that it would just end one day, but so far it has not and there is no further indication they'll stop it. By the way, amazing how much easier it is to get Arabic movies subtitled English these days here in the U.S. than when this site started. Netflix, etc. With English subtitles, the movies help bring everything together.
نعم, اربيكبود انه موقع رهيب...والله ما قصر
Yes, Arabicpod is a brilliant site! It certainly has not come short. -
Thought I'd post a link to one of Mohamed's recent uploads at his website. Mohamed is now one of the top ten YouTube vloggers in the world:
رائع! شكرا جزيلا
Are there any particular Netflix movies you recommend? There are several available, but I want to make sure I'm not watching one in a dialect that is unfamiliar or will confuse me.
Yes, #1 - Adel Karam Live From Beirut. The audio and English subtitles are fantastically clear. Mr. Karam has an international & pan-Arab audience in the show as well, so I don't think anything is peculiarly Lebanese. Further, he is talking the entire time so you're not wasting time looking at scenery, shooting, etc.
I think all of the other available movies are in a dialect of the setting. There are lessons here which help to explain the differences, e.g., in Egyptian.
#2 - Barakh meets Barakh. Again the audio and English subtitles are very clear, and the setting is Saudi Arabia which I think matches the pronunciation of our hosts here.
When you get into action movies, etc., you get blurts of tougher audio that can be difficult to follow. -
If you're looking at the Egyptian movies, one of the best intros for me here was "Brave Ant," from September 1, 2009. Lower Intermediate. Many of the available movies are in Egyptian. I thought Brave Ant was pretty comprehensive for a basic look at the differences between Egyptian and the closer-to-MSA used here by our hosts.
To find all Netflix media with arabic subtitles, you can use a simple search url which is described in an article on the duolingo website. We can't post the url here, so that is why I am referring to the duolingo website; but if you find the url on the duolingo website and use "ar" at the end of it (replacing "fr"), you can get a list of all arabic audio. Select and start something, then stop the playback and choose the options icon at the bottom right of the screen. Select the subtitle language of your choosing. Method can be used for all languages, not just arabic. "Word Party" is a great cartoon series for beginners.
In accessing the Netflix shows this way, you can get some interesting Arabic audio with English subtitles. Greenhouse Academy, for example, is a new series from the U.S. but you can get audio dubbed in Arabic (in Modern Standard Arabic, I do believe, rather than any particular region).
Thank you Chazyouwin, this is really helpful!
بارك الله فيك
So I just discovered an add-in which can slow down (or speed up) Netflix playback in the Chrome web browser. There is an add-on for the browser called Video Speed Controller. I downloaded it and tried it on a few shows including Adel Karam. Works well! So if you're like me you can slow down the playback in order to get the words down. Works on html5 playback, I understand.
"Treehouse Detective" is another good cartoon series for summarizing what we've learned here and reinforcing the vocab and structures, and learning some new essential vocabulary. Nothing emphasizes any particular regional colloquial; clearly translated audio; interesting concrete plots with simple but varied dialogue; emphasis on discerning "clues" in the environment that help to stimulate some new wording. What I like especially about the cartoons is we get the sense of the degree to which particular words are used over others in conversation ("Ajel" used 95% of time rather than "Naam," for example).
Also - have finished the three seasons of "Word Party" cartoon in Arabic on Netflix. Great stuff, with mostly literal translation except for the songs. -
شكرآ يا خازيوون, هذه المعلومات مفيدة جدآ
Thank you Chazyouwin, this information is very helpful! -
Salamualaikum,I so much like the way the arabic language is being broken into fragment but I will like to ask of you to always give the classical equivalent of the street words in the dialogue.I say always because you do it but atimes you overlook it.Thank you.
good and excellent work
Hi, I read you've mentioned movies and tv series for Lower Intermediate but can you recommend some books for this level? Thanks and thanks to the teachers too, your podcasts are very helpful and useful to learn colloquial Arabic!
Would love to see an anniversary podcast. This repository is a hidden gem of the internet.
Yes great content here! Wish they rebooted it!
Thank you great lesson!
Lower Intermediate - Wrong size
May 2nd, 2017 | 1 comment |
The different size clothing systems available can cause headaches when buying online. For example there are American, European and British sizes. The guy in the dialogue bought a wrong sized dress for his wife's birthday!
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This is the 12th year of ArabicPod now, and almost 8 months ago this lesson went on air.
Will we have the peasure in 2018 to listen to lesson No. 752, and more?
Thank you for all the effort so far.