السلام عليكم
Great lesson once more.
One thing however confuses me:
In the second sentence you use المشكله (almushkelah) in stead of مشكله(mushkelah -like in the 1st and 3rd sentence)is this because of the word هذه(haad'ihi) or is there a grammatical explanation? ٍSo basically my question is when does one use "al" before a noun (and why)
شكرا -
You guys are awesome
my Arabic has improved greatly since the start of my subscription
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you -
Ahlain abhishek;
We used "maa 3endy mushkelah - ما عندي مشكلة" because "3endy - عندي" always takes "maa - ما" before it,, as simple as that :) .
و عليكم السلام itekiefte.. Good question, we use "al - ال" in addressing specific nouns rather than general nouns. Now here the confusion comes because of the nature of each language (Arabic - English). When we say "This problem" or "that boy" we are addressing specific nouns because "this" specifies things, therefore when you translate it to Arabic, "al-ال" comes on to specify the noun too. So for this case, take it as a grammar that using "this/that" before a noun in English means using "al-ال" with the noun in Arabic.
bh20755, glad to know you're improving that much.. 3afwan, 3afwan, 3afwan ;)
Hi thanks for the interesting lesson how do you say "remember". for example " You must remember to practice." or " if you remember, buy some bread" Or "remember to buy bread"
Thanks -
"Remember" is "tad'akkar - تذكّر", where the first "ta - ت" is part of the verb. So if you want to say (he remembers the lesson) then it is (howa yatad'akkar aldars - هو يتذكّر الدرس), another one (she remembers the lesson) is (heya tatad'akkar aldars - هي تتذكّر الدرس).. hope you can spot the difference.
why would you pronounce الدرسaldars instead addars .huwa yatadhak'karad'dars
Hi Naasir,
الدرس is pronounced addars and not aldars since the letter د is one of the sun letters and if a sun letter is preceded by the letters ال then you omit the pronunciation of the letter ل
salam i am new to this can anyone tell me if the lessons will be live or just recordings
These are podcasts, which means lessons that are recorded and all what you need to do is either listen to it in the website or download them into your PC/portable mp3 player and learn Arabic wherever you go.
It seems you are new to the podcast world, feel free to ask and we will be happy to answer you.
All the best saleemakhtar1129.
cant i learn with you live
how can translate english alphabet to arabic its really difficult to write
can you send me thru emails the corresponding alphabetic letters by giving me the details from a to z.
If you download any of the PDF transcripts, you'll find the table of Arabic alphabets on the top of each page.
You can also see and hear the alphabets by going to Sharepoint and click on Flash (menu on the left), then find (Arabic Pronunciation Guide).
السلام عليكم
شكرا لدروس مفيدة.
اسمح لي أن اسألك شئ. هل هناك فرق بنت الكلمتان فعل لحظ ولاحظ؟ يقول قاموسى إن الكلمتان معنيان
احيانا، لا اعرف كلمة مناسبة.
شكرا! -
و عليكم السلام لويس
لاحظ معناها
أما كلمة لحظ فهي الجذر من لاحظ, لكني أعتقد أنك تقصد لحظة, والمعنى هنا يكون
moment or wait.
أتمنى أن تعمّ الفائدة
assalamu alaikum akhee
why do you say ma instead of la? are you syrian? :ohh:
Beginner - I have a problem
July 29th, 2008 | 1 comment |
Someone's gone to visit the doctor in this beginner dialogue, it's not just a mild case of the cold, but something rather more critical! OKAY, this dialogue is not exactly serious, more our idea of something a tad comical to fuel your learning with something more fun, and keep you smiling all the while.
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Hmm- another fun take on what could have been a robotic situational dialogue!
I have a doubt- regarding how to say 'I don't have a problem'.
I thought that 'la' negated the present tense.
Then why would I say 'ma andi mushkila and not la andi mushkila?'