Lower Intermediate - What do you do?

An example of a good Arabic conversation can be about occupation and it can be easy after you learn how in this podcast. So what do you do?
Also learn how to give a nice sounding response so tune in!
Also learn how to give a nice sounding response so tune in!
Yeah I'm the first to comment!
That was a rather sweet and simple lesson.
What's the source verb of muhandiss? These new nouns are so much easier to memorize when you know the stem from which you derived them. Like I remembered 6abib from the 'I have a problem' lesson because 6'bb meant medicine. Please give us insights into these source words more often.
Now that we're into Lower Intermediate, please reduce the explanations of words like 'naam, la, ana, anta, howa, hiya.' If a person still needs help with that then I think he should spend a little more time in the beginner section. So let's focus more on the new words rather than waste too much time on such common words.
Why does Tibb not have 'al' before it? Do all academic subjects appear like this, without the Al?
And lastly, about the Maa Hua Ismuk. Did you choose Hua because 'ism' is masculine?
What if you wanted to ask 'what is your ---- (a feminine word)'
Would you say Maa hiya ___
Thanks again!