Lower Intermediate - Summer time

Our dear friend summer is almost with us again, the sun is shining and the weather is warm, so go out and get yourself some fresh air and maybe a tan too! Don't forget to take us along and allow us to teach you some useful Arabic phrases (coincidentally) about summer! Whether taking a relaxing stroll in the park or sunbathing on the beach, we don't mind where you are, just tune in and let the learning begin.
(1) There is another Arabic word for "season" - "fasl" (pl. "fusuul"). "Fasl", however, can also mean "class" (i.e. a group of students).
(2) "Mawsim" is related to "wasama" (he marked), which is derived from the Semitic root w-s-m.
(3) "Mawsim" has two partially overlapping meanings: (1) any of the four main periods of the year, (2) the appropriate season for a voyage, pilgrimage, etc. An example of this second meaning can be found in the title of a famous narrative work by Tayeb Salih, "Mawsim al-hijra ila al-shamaal" (Season of Migration to the North).
(4) Engl. "monsoon" and Fr. "mousson" both come from Arab. "mawsim".