Lower Intermediate - My bicycle

We're back after our week off and we've got another exciting lesson for you all. Someone's sad after his bike gets broken and his friend, feeling bad for him (as all good friends would), wants to help him fix it. Is there any hope for this poor guy and his bicycle... ?
Listen in, liaise with the hosts, learn the vocab, and there's no way you'll go wrong. Don't miss this interesting lesson, jam-packed with new vocab.
Listen in, liaise with the hosts, learn the vocab, and there's no way you'll go wrong. Don't miss this interesting lesson, jam-packed with new vocab.
أنا مسرور جدا لان حضرتكم تعودون بعد انفصال قصير
أدعو عزوجل لاستمرار هذا البرنامج
جزاءكم عندالله جزاءا كبيرا
عبد الحميد خان
من مومبائي (الهند