Lower Intermediate - Spare keys

Losing your keys can have dreadful consequences, breaking the door for example, but most of us usually know someone carrying spare keys. Today we're going to teach you how ask for the spare keys among other useful phrases.
أ. هل ضيّعت مفاتيحها من قبل .
Did she lose her keys lately?
ب. مفاتيح بسكليتّة بصراحة ، و ليس ألبيت .
The keys of the bicycle, indeed, but not of the house.
أ. و ماذا عن ألشقّة ؟
And what about the flat?
ب. لأ الشقّة ، الحمد لله ، مفاتيحي دائماً معي .
Not the flat, thank be to God, my keys are always with me.
With the first sentence, I'm not so sure, that it was her who lost the keys.
Regards, Tau