Beginner - How old are you?

A vital lesson on asking someone's age and replying to such questions. Very important lesson for all, particularly for beginner learners who may not yet be familiar with the Arabic language needed in this situation. These types of questions crop up a lot, especially when meeting someone for the first time, so tune in to this podcast to make sure you're able to deal with them in the future.
as-salaamu 3laykum,
Barakallahu feekumaa li hadha darsa. I am a struggling 3arabic learner, ya3nee self-studying. I saw a link to your site in one of the 3arabic learning forums, and al7amdulillah i find your site really very useful, ma sha Allah.
May Allah accept your efforts and reward you immensely, ameen. plz keep the lessons coming, bi idhilllah.