Lower Intermediate - Fly curry

God forbid if you ever found a creepy crawly in a meal you ordered from an Arabic restaurant, you will need to know how to appropriately complain and ask for a refund. One of the hosts has been in this situation recently and shares his experience.
هناك حديقة في المدينة
There is a garden in the city
هناك الحديقة
In this sentence 'hunaak' can mean 'over there' or 'there is' depending on whether the park is in viewing distance. If the person can't see the park and points to the direction of it and says the above sentence then it would mean 'over there is the garden'. However, if the park can be seen then the sentence can be translated to 'there is the garden' which is said while the person is pointing at the object...
الحديقة هناك
The garden is over there
هناك طالب ذكي في الصف
There is a clever student in the class
هناك الطالب الذكي
As with the above example 'Hunaak al7adeeqah', this sentence can mean 'Over there is the clever boy' or 'there is the clever boy'. I said boy because طالب is masculine, the feminine version is طالبة
الطالب الذكي هناك
The clever student is there