Lower Intermediate - Giving first aid

Giving first aid can potentially save someone's life in a critical situation, and if you happen to give first aid in an Arabic environment, it would be useful to know some vital words associated with the subject.
- In English you can use the word pulse to mean the feel of something, like "pule of the nation" for instance. Can you use نبض the same way? As in نبض الشعب ?
- I originally came from the US South so I was quite familiar with the maternal interrogative phrase "Do you hear me?!?" preceding, of course, discovery of a incomplete task you should have done ages ago. Would an Arabic mother use the first sentence of the dialog - "سامعني يا شاب؟"? (in a different tone then our speaker of course) Back home, the power of this phrase was greatly increased by invocation of your trinominal title - it was one thing when to be addressed in these circumstances as Joseph, but if I heard Joseph Edward Morris, I knew my goose was cooked!