Intermediate - Activist attacked

Activists are increasingly in the spotlight during the Arab spring, so in order for you to be able to understand the news in Arabic around their activities, you need to listen to today's lesson which will teach you plenty of useful vocabulary.
استفدت من هذا الدرس
I benefitted from this lesson.
اللهم يسر الأمور للناشطين الصالحين في كل العالم
May the situation for all the activists become easier.
ما فهمت بعض الكلمات مما لفظ أستاذنا أيهاب في البداية لأنهن يلفظن بسرعة و بدون الترجمة. ربما هو كذلك لأن هذا الدرس مطوسط ؟
I hope I got the grammar right above. In case I didn't, I didn't quite get some words from the beginning :
"مثلا : ما قال أستاذ في بداية الدرس لأستاذ محمد بعد "الأخبار المحزن
Like what was said exactly after Muhammad replied "I read the news every day" and Ehab said: Much of the news is quite said ... something like "Mutahaasar" ...